Modifications of heterobeltiosis, heterosis, and hybrid vigour over check parent formulae to enhance judgment on hybrids

  • Ghazy, Usama M. (Sericulture Research Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center) ;
  • Fouad, Tahia A. (Sericulture Research Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.11
  • 심사 : 2021.06.24
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


Many researchers are using the heterosis, heterobeltiosis and hybrid vigour over check parent value formulae to determine the hybrid vigour for animals, plants and silkworm breeding. These formulae are ideal for determine the hybrid vigour for the positive direction of single trait. It is difficult using these formulae for multiple traits. Suggested modification for cardinal formulae were made as well as suggestion new formula for determines hybrid vigour for multiple traits. Modifications of hybrid vigour were made to facilitate judgment of best hybrids under study for multiple traits. Nineteen local hybrids of mulberry silkworm were prepared for these investigations in addition the imported Bulgarian hybrid. Comparison between the cardinal and the modifications formulae were applied for thirteen economic characters. Nine positive and four negative direction characters were observed. Modified formulae make the judgment of heterobeltiosis, heterosis and hybrid vigour over check parent value very facilitate for positive and negative traits.



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