• Khan, Owais (Department of Mathematics and Statistics Integral University) ;
  • Khan, Nabiullah (Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering and Technology Aligarh Muslim University) ;
  • Choi, Junesang (Department of Mathematics, Dongguk University) ;
  • Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy (Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University)
  • 투고 : 2020.10.02
  • 심사 : 2020.11.01
  • 발행 : 2021.06.15


During the last several decades, a great variety of fractional kinetic equations involving diverse special functions have been broadly and usefully employed in describing and solving several important problems of physics and astrophysics. In this paper, we aim to find solutions of a type of fractional kinetic equations associated with the (p, q)-extended 𝜏 -hypergeometric function and the (p, q)-extended 𝜏 -confluent hypergeometric function, by mainly using the Laplace transform. It is noted that the main employed techniques for this chosen type of fractional kinetic equations are Laplace transform, Sumudu transform, Laplace and Sumudu transforms, Laplace and Fourier transforms, P𝛘-transform, and an alternative method.



The authors would like express their deep-felt thanks for the reviewers' favorable and constructive comments. The third-named author was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2020R111A1A01052440).


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