Sports Leadership Theories for Improving Retail Service Quality on Customer Value

  • SEONG, Dong-Ho (The department of sports and leisure, Yongin University)
  • Received : 2021.03.28
  • Accepted : 2021.05.05
  • Published : 2021.05.30


Purpose: The sports leadership theories are crucial in ensuring the success of corporations. This study shall discuss the various leadership theories employed in the sports industry and how they can be incorporated within the retailing sector to enhance the service quality and promote substantial customer value towards all the consumers visiting the retailing stores. Research design, data and methodology: The present researcher gathered textual data on potential solutions for coding of development through web searching method and coded and produced various topics as solution providers. Methods were then established to enhance quality on customer value by the leadership within their businesses, and the researcher subsequently presented the findings. Results: This study provides a total of nine solutions which are helpful systemically for practitioners in the retailer service sector. These numerous solutions can be incorporated within the retail industry through the sports leadership theories employed in the sports industry to help achieve a full and strong customer value. Conclusions: Finally, the present study concludes that the retail industry and management need to ensure that a substantial customer value is built through high-quality services rendered towards the clientele base, employing sports leadership theories such as path-goal, authentic leadership, transformation, situational and leader-member exchange theories.



Leadership is crucial in the growth and success of any organization in the business sector for supply chain management. Over the years, there have been increased theories adopted that pertain to organizations' leadership strategies to streamline all operations and meet the predetermined goals and objectives. Over time, a robust customer orientation approach encompasses the organizations having a strong inclination towards ensuring the satisfaction of the needs and wants of the consumers(customers). Leadership in the sports industry is different from the ordinary corporate world. The sports industry is dynamic and encompasses the type of leadership that focuses on providing guidance and inclination towards the followers and ensuring a strong followers channel in which the athletes can learn from them.

The sports leadership theories are crucial in ensuring the success of corporations. There have been numerous leadership theories developed over time to ensure success and robust growth within the sports industry (Mango, 2018). Thus, this has dramatically affected the retailer's success in terms of service quality, leading to substantial customer value. Retailing is among the crucial aspects of the business industry as it focuses on ensuring strong communication between the suppliers and the consumer (Su, Jeong, Choi, & Kim, 2015). Retailing involves the business of selling commodities in large quantities to satisfy personal needs and wants. The retail industry is geared towards the buying and selling of merchandise for unique benefits. This has grown over the years, and currently, the retail sector has grown exponentially as more consumers have increased in quantities and demand for products and services has dramatically increased (Mango, 2018). Service quality in the retailing industry involves defining the impact of a corporation or the store, which focuses on consumer behavior. The consumer behavior attributes among individual consists of the implementation of five critical dimensions towards the consumers. These include personal interactions, policy, physical appearance, promises, problem-solving and convenience.

The retail service quality is greatly inclined towards achieving or altering consumer behavior patterns to establish substantial consumer value and satisfaction. Hence, it is fundamental and also marketers to embrace influential theories that can help ineffective administration and leadership within the businesses to help ensure there is an establishment of a positive quality culture while focusing on streamlining all operations to assist in meeting the consumer's needs and enhancing customer satisfaction through the improvement of the quality of services about the consumer behavior patterns. This paper shall discuss the various leadership theories employed in the sports industry and how they can be incorporated within the retailing sector to enhance the service quality and promote substantial customer value towards all the consumers visiting the retailing stores (Megheirkouni, 2017).

The retail industry is large and full of thousands of stores that sell various products and services to the consumers; hence, there is a need to employ effective leadership theories that shall help the retailers remain relevant in the market and have a strong inclination towards customers’ needs and wants (Fullerton, 2005), which means that managers in retail stores will not make any changes to resolve customers’ needs and issues if they do not recognize their customers’ problems. Front employees should be easy to contact and communicate with customers with discussing customer’s insight. This process might be critical in large retailers because top managers could be removed from their consumers (Hanaysha, 2018).

There is more increased interaction between the consumers and business owners in the retail industry. Thus, these leadership theories will play a significant role in establishing a solid futuristic framework linked to achieving substantial customer value and customer satisfaction. The leadership and management team in any corporation, small business enterprise or any other multinational plays a massive role in the firm's success (Fullerton, 2005). Hence, it is fundamental for all the retail industry leaders to ensure effective customer retention and robust growth of service quality and customer satisfaction. The present study posits that the sports leadership theories are crucial in ensuring the success of corporations and shall discuss the various leadership theories employed in the sports industry and how they can be incorporated within the retailing sector to enhance the service quality and promote substantial customer value towards all the consumers visiting the retailing stores.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Behavioral Theories

The behavior theories are integral in effective leadership processes in the sports industry. Through the behavioral theoretical framework, several leadership theories have been derived from the behavioral aspects of the leadership process. These leadership theories include path-goal theory, leader-member exchange theory, authentic leadership theory, servant leadership theory, situational leadership theory and transformational leadership theory. Through the intense dynamism in the sports industry, the behavioral approach of leadership aids in establishing a solid framework that encompasses the implementation of appropriate leadership decisions for the success of the sector and businesses.

2.1.1.Path-Goal Theory

The path-goal theory is focused on entrusting the development of the appropriate framework in which specific predetermined goals and objectives of the firm are met are controlled and directed by the leaders (Cote, 2017). The path-goal theory focuses on showcasing the significant role of leaders in the implementation of strategies. The leaders must sketch the appropriate course of action to help achieve success in its operation ability by incorporating the contingency model, which focuses on the leader guiding and directing the intended motion to be implied to achieve the result (Cote, 2017). This theoretical framework encompasses four significant characteristics: achievement-oriented, directive, supportive, and participative (Cote, 2017).

The path-goal theory communicates the role of leaders in the business world and how important it is for them to provide guidance and an appropriate strategic path that helps showcase the firm's success in their operations and establish a strong brand value customer retention (Kwadade-Cudjoe, 2020). In the retail industry, the path- goal theory is crucial to assist in effective guidance of all operations within the retail sector to enhance the quality of services rendered towards the consumers and develop the customer experience, which leads to enhanced customer value (Kwadade-Cudjoe, 2020).

2.1.2. Leader-Member exchange theory

The leader-member exchange theory emphasized establishing proactive and robust relationships between the leaders and the workforce members to attain ambiance and good relationships, which shall create a positive quality corporate culture and intense job satisfaction, which results in good service quality clientele (Seiler & Pfister, 2009). The relationship between leaders and members is fundamental to the growth and the detrimental collapse of an organization and its entire framework of operations and activities (Megheirkouni, 2017).

Hence, through effective relations between the leaders and members, positive attributes are attained, such as more substantial and robust performance, high workforce morale, reduction in employee turnover, an increased degree of job satisfaction (Megheirkouni, 2017). The quality of the relationship between these two primary stakeholders in the business shall enhance the quality of services rendered to the consumers. The retail industry comprises frontline employees who have direct interactions with the consumers; hence, through the leader-member exchange theory, the organization can ensure effective operation ability.

2.1.3.Authentic leadership Theory

Authentic leadership in the sports industry has been vital in ensuring strong ethicality and moral standards within the sports industry. The authentic leadership framework encompasses solid ethical standards, which help affect the business industry's decision-making process and behavioral framework (Kovach, 2018). Authentic leadership theory focuses on creating a positive quality corporate culture that has linked the organizations' operations towards meeting the goals and wants of the consumers (Onyalla, 2018). The corporate culture is instrumental in the conduct and drives within the organization and its success.

Hence, through the authentic leadership theory, professional sports leaders and any other business members can function under high levels of Ethicality, which results in high-level quality throughout the organization (Kovach, 2018). Consequently, the retail industry's customer relationship management shall grow immensely, leading to a substantial customer value and registration of high quality of services rendered within the facilities (Onyalla, 2018). Through the authentic leadership framework, firms and businesses can ethically treat their consumers through transparent communication and accurate description of the product offerings and their benefits (Kovach, 2018).

2.1.4. Servant leadership theory

Servant leadership theory encompasses the notion of leaders functioning as examples for their followers to scrutinize and pick up learning points in helping them achieve their goals and ambition. The majority of business leaders lead from their executive offices and only focus on the delegation of roles and responsibilities rather than playing a proactive role in implementing beliefs, values and traditions within the business industry. However, success in the sports industry has been inevitable by incorporating servant leadership, which encompasses the introduction of actively involved leaders in the firm's strategies to achieve specific results. The theory focuses on encouragement by including the leading personnel in all operations undertaken within the firm. The inclusion and all participation principle tied within the servant leadership notion has helped the majority of companies to integrate new policies and undertakings within the firm effectively plus the theory has enhanced motivation and inclusion among all the workforce members to establish solid integrative forces, which shall result in the success of the firm.

The servant leadership theory has been inclined towards incorporating leaders in the daily tasks within the various industries rather than employing the role of strategic formulation and delegation of duties at executive positions. Servant leadership emphasizes the integration of leaders in the firms' activities and goals, which helps corporations and the entire retail industry. The theory helps ensure effective integration of all operations through forefront guidance by top-notch leaders.

2.1.5.Situational Leadership Theory

Situational leadership is among the current contemporary leadership theories proven to be effective in the 21st century. Situational leadership is a dynamic form of leadership that has been effective in the present business world due to the dynamic nature of operations and the prevailing economic conditions that affect the running of organizations. The situational leadership theory focuses on employing a practical course of action and leadership style to solve a particular context (Peretomode, 2012). Situational leadership encompasses the transfer of leadership skills and knowledge from one situation to another. This level of adaptability and transition in leadership has been effective in guiding leaders in implementing effective and long-term strategies focused on solving problems (Peretomode, 2012).

In various aspects of the organization, from management to the operational issues throughout the organization. Hence, the adoption of situational leadership has been successful in the sports industry due to the strong dynamism throughout the organization. Various conditions exist in sports, and the leaders fine-tune their mins with the prevailing conditions and provide effective corrective measures. Therefore, the implementation of situational leadership in the retail industry shall play a significant role in establishing success due to the changes in the retail sector.

2.1.6. Transformational Leadership Theory

Transformation leadership theory has been the major leadership theories that have been integrated into leadership practices across various fields of practice. This has been due to the emergence of this novel leadership strategy linked to leaders providing clear direction of the goals and anticipated strategies to be implemented within the firm. Transformational leaders are unique and offer the need for having specified direction for the strategic path of the operations and industries generally. Having a straightforward strategic approach shall help meet the predetermined goals and objectives of the organization and various sectors. However, transformational leaders provide a unique, comprehensive leadership style that guides them to be driven by their career goals and ambitions to meet the corporate goals and vision. This leadership approach ensures that all the leaders can motivate and inspire their subordinates in meeting specific goals and targets within the corporation.

The sports industry is defined by an outcome-oriented pattern that focuses on the predetermined targets of all athletes within the various categories are undertaken accordingly. Transformational leaders have been known to help subordinates become aware of their own needs in terms of growth and development and accomplishment of personal and career goals (Gautam & Enslin, 2019). The incorporation of transformational leadership shall also ensure that the subordinates' motivation aid in achieving the work for the associates (Gautam & Enslin, 2019). Transformational leaders also make subordinates on the importance of their jobs and how important they are on the organizations attaining their goals and objectives. Transformational leadership needs to emphasize subordinates to meet the organizational goals and ensure that effective strategies are employed to ensure a healthy level of autonomy among all the workforce members (Gautam & Enslin, 2019).

An autonomous workforce is a resultant feature towards implementing transformation leadership principles within the organization and a particular industry. Consequently, most of the athletes are self-disciplined and self-motivated tards meeting their own goals and objectives by ensuring self-drive in training programs and daily exercise to achieve particular targets such as body fitness and body mass index to ensure there are disciplined and proactive courses of action.

Besides, despite the mention of areas that aid in measuring environmental marketing strategies, the literature reviewed fails in giving the exact elements to consider in each area. For instance, the study of Delmas and Burbano (2011) provided that in product creation, only examples are given such filtering instead of permitting smoke to get emitted to the environment. As such, there should be a detailed description and standardization of approaches that companies can be measured against to assess their achievement ability on the green marketing strategies.

The literature also fails in the presentation of policies as environmental safeguarding strategies, and as such, they should be built and exact ones singled-out (Delmas & Burbano, 2011). It is also important to note that a disconnect exists between the accepted beliefs in marketing and the green consumer approach to the products, as short-term plans need to be adopted to be effective. Empirical studies and evidence-based studies are needed to test and supplement some of the theories suggested.

Table 1:The Summary of Prior Literature on the Topic

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One of the big questions of research is if researchers use empirical or interpretative epistemology. Earlier research has shown researchers might use the descriptive study to answer factual information. The latter study also suggested qualitative study if issues related to thoughts, conduct, expectations, values, and wishes are discussed. Where a detailed description, understanding, and rationale are highly certain, the analysis is adequate, regardless of the method. In the researcher's set of data, for example, textual content analysis will be incorporated to classify the subjects more evident throughout the report. These subjects are the methods used by corporate leaders as well as other experts to promote ecological sustainability. Besides, researchers may need sufficient proof of their validation. In this scenario, the research sought to also provide corporate leaders with analytical solutions. Thus it is ideal for systematic study to document understanding and help (Richard & Kang, 2018; Woo & Kang, 2020; Han, 2020).

The text can be represented in many diverse formats in a literature review, for example, posts, letters, and presentations. The basic principle of the research process is to retain the benefits of the quantitative content analysis of communication science. You may add both latent and apparent text content. The text of a representation refers to the conceptual parameters, while the material of the embodiment refers to predictive analytics. In the evaluation of these study data cleansing, for example, environmental concerns ads may include serious fires, snow melting, and temperatures. These aspects are obvious. However, these issues extend in a much more detailed analysis of the impacts of climate change over the next 50 years. Previous research has stressed a need for clarification in all types of content data analysis, but the complexity and scope of the elaboration are varied. In the present research, themes of management and environmental conservation were latent and manifested to define organization organizational change. It is significant to mention that the aim of this study was to introduce strategic leadership to discuss sustainable ecological development. The objective is thus to demonstrate detailed and reliable results. When offering a detailed overview, the researcher addresses the features of the message. Instead, the consequences of the terms analysis are estimated by predictive performance. For example, in the content analysis study, advertising printing affected product recalls(Sung, 2021).

This section also includes and discusses the results of the analysis according to a form of systematic examination. Firstly, the current researcher in this study have used established sports leadership and customer management theories to understand the problem. The study problem then led to the creation of a research question which the scientist tried inductively to solve. In different process scientific journals from this approach, the present researcher gathered data on potential solutions also for coding of development through web searching method. The present researcher coded and produced various topics as solution providers. Methods were then established to enhance sustainability by leaders within their businesses, and the researcher subsequently presented the findings(Han, 2020; Sung, 2021; Woo & Kang, 2020). The research demonstrated that the following key topics were the key strategies for improving customer satisfaction for current managers trying to match corporate goals with leadership theories.

In this section, the results of the research are rechecked, following an organized review system. First, to recognize the problems, the current author used the exant studies of sports leaderships and retailer’s service quality. After that, the research problem based on elaborating a research question sought to speak to in a formal way. The present author obtained textual data regarding the possible implications which were created by research issues through most peer-reviewed journal articles and the resercher coded the textual sources to discuss numerous topics on the framework of content methodology. Applying to this strategy, practitioners in the retail sector might boost their policies to improve customers’ satisfactions.

Even though empirical research gives thoughtful implication for HR practitioners (Kang & Lee, 2021), the content analysis considers communication directly by looking into it through texts or transcripts makes it useful in the study of this topic since it gets at the central aspect of social interaction between employees and the human resource managers (Kang & Hwang, 2018). Historically, qualitative content approach has been used by many prior researchers instead of quantitative method to provide and add an insight, filling in research gap for researchers and suggesting practical implications for practitioners who work in various departments. Thus, there is little doubt that textual data analysis provides solutions to fix complicated society issues.

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Figure 1:The Advantages of Textual Content Method.

4. Theoretical Results

The need to incorporate some of the critical sports leadership theories in the retail industry is fundamental in establishing a solid emphasis on quality, strong cooperation, and customer orientation to promote service quality. Consequently, the customer value shall increase drastically (Hanaysha, 2018). Numerous solutions can be incorporated within the retail industry through the leadership theories employed in the sports industry to help achieve a full and strong customer value.

4.1. Path-Goal Theory on Leadership

The path-goal leadership theory is built on the retail industry leaders' grounds to create the strategic path that helps achieve the standards to help make substantial customer value through the enhancement of the service quality within the retail industry(Hanaysha, 2018). The retail owners need to be the leaders in developing the appropriate strategic paths to be implemented within the retail stores to ensure that the level of quality is top-notch and linked to establishing a solid rapport and trust with the consumers (Islam, Jantan, Rahman, Hamid, Mahmud & Hoque, 2018). Hence, most of the retail industry's roles need to be undertaken by the administrators and provide a clear strategic path that guides the employees on how to behave and conduct themselves in the business and retail store environment. The retail industry leaders shall provide a prescribed manner in which the retail industry needs to execute its operations (Islam et al., 2018).

4.2. Leader-Member Exchange Theory

However, The leader-member exchange theory focuses on discussing the relationship between retail managers and their subordinates. These relationships are integral to the success of the organizations. Hence, the firms need to ensure intense job satisfaction, high morale among the employees, and reduction in employee turnover to help build an effective working environment for all major stakeholders, including the manager and the entire team of associates within the retail industry (Wright, 2017). Adopting an effective working environment shall play a significant role in ensuring more robust performance, leading to the effective execution of all the service quality dimensions, such as problem-solving. All the necessary needs are implemented through effective dissemination of corporate information, which guides how the entire workforce behaves within the corporations and their conduct towards meeting the firm's needs (Qu, Hu & Meng, 2021). Hence, there should be a strong correlation between the employees and management as the whole staff that shall help ensure that there is an establishment of effective platform to ensure positive customer value by meeting the needs and wants of the consumers (Qu et al., 2021).

4.3. Authentic Leadership

Basking Authentic leadership is based on implementing solid standards of Ethicality and sincerity in all the operations and transactions within the retail shops(Lax & Mau, 2013). Through authentic leadership, the level of customer value shall increase through the implementation of the dimension of reliability towards the implementation of real-time communication towards any complaints and behaving ethically would communicate the dimension of reliability which shall result in a solid trust-building platform towards the individuals which shall result in the growth and success of the retail industry through increased customer retention and assertive loyalty behavior from the consumers towards the retail chains (Lax & Mau, 2013). Authentic leadership has been instrumental to the firm's success by implementing promises given to the customers in a timely fashion and ensuring that there is effective monitoring of all operations to ensure that there is a positive brand value communicated to the customers (Wright, 2017).

4.4. Service Quality and Customer Value

Retail service quality and customer value are intertwined as through effective service quality within the retail industry, perceived customer satisfaction forms customers' experiences while purchasing the products. Service quality encompasses the degree of difference between the customer's expectations of a particular service and their perception after the services are rendered (Beneke, Hayworth, Hobson & Mia, 2012; Duggal, 2015) The power of service quality is fundamental in the growth of the clientele base, leading to a much larger consumer base. Good service quality translates to solid customer loyalty since it builds the level of trust among the consumers. The customer's trust is made from the satisfaction attained from the firm's product offerings and services. The retail service quality entails the difference between the consumer's anticipated quality and the retailer's performance in terms of service and meeting the anticipated experiences of the consumers(Gera, 2011). By developing positive consumer perceptions on the service, quality shall lead to the customers supporting the firm, which consequently results in solid loyalty behavior towards the product offerings and services rendered within the firm. Hence, the relationship between the retail service quality and customer value is dependent on each other. Thus, the retailers must ensure that the level of service quality is relatively higher to attract customers and build a strong retention and satisfaction rate from the firm's services and products(Gera, 2011). The customer's perceptions of the services are very instrumental in the daily conduct of operations within the retail stores. Hence, the firms' retail service quality needs to be strong and proactive to maintain a solid consumer base and satisfaction rate. By establishing a stable satisfaction rate, the customer value is increased as the consumer has built an elevated trust level towards the organization and its services plus experiences, which is fundamental to the firm's success and growth. A much more comprehensive approach shall be outlined towards the customer-orientation system by adopting effective retail industry strategies (Duggal, 2015). Five key dimensions are integral in the retail service quality aspect of the retail industry. They include personal interactions, policies, physical characteristics, reliability and problem-solving (Duggal, 2015).

4.5. Personal Interactions

The workforce members are integral in communicating the needs and wants of the consumers. The attributes that define the associates within the retail industry focus on ensuring many good motives and drive to bring a sense of fulfilment to the consumers(Duggal, 2015). Therefore, the retail store workforce needs to showcase effective communication and effective planning skills to ensure that the customers have a breath-taking experience while shopping within the retail stores (House, Javidan, Hanges & Dorfman, 2002).

4.6. Policy

All shops and retail stores are founded on policies that dictate their conduct and operation ability within the retail stores. These policies involve the payment options, operational hours, parking decisions, etc. These policies have potent implications for customer's experience; hence, the retail stores need to ensure that the retail industry's policies are favorable and convenient for the consumers to provide substantial customer value in all the retail policies implemented (House et al., 2002). The policies should be aligned towards customer loyalty and a strong retention rate.

4.7. Physical Aspects

The physical attributes of the retail stores play a significant role in the customer's experience and satisfaction. Factors such as the physical appearance and convenience of the store layout play a massive role in determining customer satisfaction. The store layout and appearance bring out a strong level of satisfaction to the customer (Seiler & Pfister, 2009). The level of lighting and the painting color of the retail stores also bring out an intrinsic form of satisfaction, which results in positive consumer behavior and, consequently, customer satisfaction. Hence, the physical aspects of the retail stores are fundamental in affecting the level of customer value (O'Reilly & Paper, 2012).

4.8. Reliability

Reliability in the context of service quality in the retail industry includes the nature of the retailer promising the execution of certain actions within the store to enhance customer satisfaction and stand by their word and ensure that all necessary changes required to improve customer satisfaction are integrated with immediate effect (O'Reilly & Paper, 2012). Fast action by management within the retail stores shall build a strong level of trust from the consumers, resulting in solid customer loyalty and large sales volumes due to a much higher retention rate among the consumers.

4.9. Effective Training Program

The associates and workforce within the retail stores need to ensure that they are well-trained in tackling any emerging issues within the stores to help meet the consumers' needs in a timely fashion. The effective training programs focused on equipping the employees and all stakeholders with adequate knowledge and skills linked to the existing problems shall lead to timely action towards customer complaints and, consequently, build a long-term rapport with the retail stores due to the convenient action retail stores.

The solutions need to focus on incorporating the sports leadership theories and encompassing the five dimensions of service quality in the retail service industry. The customer orientation approach is fundamental to effectively integrating efficiency in the retail industry's operations to enhance service quality to ensure a positive customer value is established. The sports leadership theories focus on establishing a solid relationship between the managers and the employees to develop a positive working environment and favorable incentives that ensure high job satisfaction. The sports leadership theories such as transformational leadership focus on establishing an autonomous workforce within the retail stores. An independent force is crucial in the retail industry as the quality of services shall be top-notch to ensure a positive corporate culture within the retail sector. By creating a positive corporate culture, the retail stores will make a positive consumer behavior pattern that entails assertive loyalty behavior towards the services and product offerings offered within the retail stores. Additionally, the positive service quality shall build a strong bond of trust between the customers and associates within the retail stores.

The retail industry needs to incorporate effective and robust leadership patterns that focus on showcasing adequate service quality focusing on the five dimensions of service quality such as reliability, problem-solving, physical aspects, policy, and personal interactions, which focus on attracting the customer’s attention by ensuring that the problem-solving skills and knowledge among the associates is top-notch, the physical attributes of the stores such as the store layout provides an aesthetic value to the customers which lead to the development of strong customer loyalty and recurring purchases.

* PGT - Path-Goal Theory on Leadership

* LMET – Leader Member Exchange Theory

* AL - Authentic Leadership

* SQCV – Service Quality and Customer Value

* PI – Personal Interactions

* PY - Policy

* PA - Physical Aspects

* RY - Reliability

* ETP - Effective Training Program

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Figure 2:The Structure of Theoretical Finding

5. Conclusion and Discussion

Retailers Customer value is fundamental in the success of the retail industry due to the face-to-face interactions between the company and the consumers. The frontline employee is the corporate image of the firm. Thus, the retail management must incorporate strategic plans which control and manage their conduct and actions in the retail environment. The sports industry has thrived through its outcome-oriented strategy, which has been integral to the sports industry's success and management(Willems, Leroi- Werelds, & Swinnen, 2016).

The retail sector also needs to have an outcome-oriented approach that focuses on monitoring the conduct of the employees and ensuring that the strategic path and objectives of the retail businesses are implemented effectively to ensure that the activities and actions within the retail companies are undertaken towards customers value orientation (Willems et al., 2016). Customer value through the depiction of customer satisfaction. Through sports leadership theories such as path-goal, leader-member exchange, authentic leadership, transformational leadership and situational leadership

The retail industry has grown tremendously (Willems et al., 2016). With more entrants in the business world, there is a need to implement influential leadership theories to help achieve the predetermined goals and objectives of the retail businesses (Willems et al., 2016). The five dimensions of service quality in the retail companies are integral to determining the retail industry's success in elevated customer values (Yuen & Chan, 2010). Factors such as personal interactions, policy, physical aspects, reliability and problem-solving have been essential in the firm's success, which needs to be taken to ensure the success of the retail industry (Junker & van Dick, 2014).

The retail management needs to employ leadership theories such as path-goal, authentic leadership, transformation, situational and leader-member exchange theories that have focused on ensuring service quality in the retail industry. The retail business needs to employ authentic leadership to ensure high-level ethicality in all retail companies' operations (Yuen & Chan, 2010). Ethicality within the retail businesses shall lead to the development of reliability dimension towards the consumers and provide a strong sense of loyalty by the consumers towards the retail businesses' operations and services (Putra, Hartoyo, & Simanjuntak, 2017). Transformational leadership within the retail businesses shall help incorporate an understanding of self-awareness and link self-development goals to ensure effectiveness in all retail industry operations and, consequently, develop a strong level of trust towards the respective retail businesses. Customer value and service quality need to work hand in hand to ensure effective customer value and satisfaction (Putra et al., 2017). The retail industry and management need to ensure that a substantial customer value is built through high-quality services rendered towards the clientele base.


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Cited by

  1. The Necessity of Startup Cultures Enhancement in a Competitive Business Environment vol.12, pp.9, 2021,