레그테크 기반의 자본시장 규제 해석 온톨로지 및 딥러닝 기술 개발을 위한 제언

Suggestions for the Development of RegTech Based Ontology and Deep Learning Technology to Interpret Capital Market Regulations

  • 투고 : 2021.01.13
  • 심사 : 2021.03.25
  • 발행 : 2021.03.31


Purpose Based on the development of artificial intelligence and big data technologies, the RegTech has been emerged to reduce regulatory costs and to enable efficient supervision by regulatory bodies. The word RegTech is a combination of regulation and technology, which means using the technological methods to facilitate the implementation of regulations and to make efficient surveillance and supervision of regulations. The purpose of this study is to describe the recent adoption of RegTech and to provide basic examples of applying RegTech to capital market regulations. Design/methodology/approach English-based ontology and deep learning technologies are quite developed in practice, and it will not be difficult to expand it to European or Latin American languages that are grammatically similar to English. However, it is not easy to use it in most Asian languages such as Korean, which have different grammatical rules. In addition, in the early stages of adoption, companies, financial institutions and regulators will not be familiar with this machine-based reporting system. There is a need to establish an ecosystem which facilitates the adoption of RegTech by consulting and supporting the stakeholders. In this paper, we provide a simple example that shows a procedure of applying RegTech to recognize and interpret Korean language-based capital market regulations. Specifically, we present the process of converting sentences in regulations into a meta-language through the morpheme analyses. We next conduct deep learning analyses to determine whether a regulatory sentence exists in each regulatory paragraph. Findings This study illustrates the applicability of RegTech-based ontology and deep learning technologies in Korean-based capital market regulations.



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