The Sustainable Purchase Intention in a New Normal of COVID-19: An Empirical Study in Malaysia

  • 투고 : 2021.02.10
  • 심사 : 2021.04.15
  • 발행 : 2021.05.30


The study investigated the effect of food safety knowledge, food safety trust and the factors influencing organic food purchase intention in the 'new normal' of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study employed non-contrived and cross-sectional methods. The data was collected in Malaysia using convenience sampling. A total of 330 valid questionnaires were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and PROCESS for hypothesis testing. The study revealed a significant relationship involving food safety knowledge on personal attitude, perceived social pressure, and perceived autonomy. Moreover, organic food purchase intention was found to be influenced by personal attitude, perceived social pressure, and perceived autonomy. Interestingly, trust in organic food safety moderated the relationship between perceived autonomy and organic food purchase intention. The study proved valuable for stakeholders and organic food producers to understand the 'new normal' COVID-19 market scenario for a sound understanding of the market and the sustainability of the organic food industry. A new research framework is proposed and validated, related to individual purchase decision in global health issues which is limited in current literature. Hence, the study contributed to a better comprehension of green consumerism mainly in the Asian market.


1. Introduction

The COVID-19 pandemic originated from Wuhan, China towards the end of 2019 and has resulted in high mortality rates worldwide. The contagious and lethal outbreak was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Consequently, the movement control order (MCO) and other forms of movement restrictions were enforced by the affected countries. The pandemic also resulted in the emergence of a ‘new normal’ life in society and the business context. Given the necessary changes in lifestyle and business practices to prevent infections (Latip et al., 2020; Sajed & Amgain, 2020), the ‘new normal’ context mainly concerns individuals’ health and wellbeing regarding changes in attitudes and product purchase decisions.

Organic food is perceived as a safe and healthy food choice for consumers (Latip et al., 2020; Somasundram et al., 2016). Previous studies highlighted a safe and healthy organic food attribute that emphasized individual attitudes and purchase decisions (Ham et al., 2018; Qi & Ploeger, 2019). In fact, health consciousness similarly influences consumer attitude toward organic food (Nguyen et al., 2020). Nevertheless, studies on a ‘new normal’ following the pandemic are limited due to the relatively novel situation. Earlier organic food studies involved sustainable food consumption and the environmental deterioration associated with conventional consumption (Ham et al., 2018; Latip et al., 2020; Maichum et al., 2017). Thus, the critical research questions on a ‘new normal’ are unknown, including (1) the information on consumers’ perception of organic food during a global health crisis, (2) the factors influencing consumers’ organic food purchase intention in a ‘new normal’ life, and (3) the influence of trust in organic food safety on individuals’ green decision-making factors and organic food purchase intention.

Organic food producers and marketers found the changes following COVID-19 in marketing and distribution strategies to be challenging in fulfilling consumers’ latest preferences to ensure continuous industrial development and sustainability. The virus affected individuals’ health due to easy transmission through human and surface contacts (Sajed & Amgain, 2020), potentially influencing organic food purchase intentions based on safety, health, and trust (Latip et al., 2020). Moreover, COVID-19 influenced consumers’ judgement and perception of organic food, food safety, and green consumerism in the community (Latip et al., 2020).

Industry stakeholders (researchers, regulated bodies, policymakers, and businesses from all supply chain stages including producers, marketers, and distributors) would benefit from this study. The current market scenario and individual preferences could be directed towards the growth, planning and operationalizing of the organic food industry. Besides, the gap between consumer perceptions and product offers in the market could be reduced. As a consequence, the organic food market can be developed, particularly in an Asian country, whereby the organic food market is still at the preliminary stage. Future opportunities would attract potential investors to strengthen market developments (Latip et al., 2020). Besides, the increase in job opportunities would strengthen the country economically.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Theory of Planned Behaviour

The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) was extended from the theory of reasoned action (TRA). The TPB was designed to predict and explain human behaviour in a specific context. The intention was also anticipated to highlight the motivational factors influencing individual behaviour (Ajzen, 1985, 1991). In the study context, TPB was utilized to understand the consumer behaviour aspect involving three variables: attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behaviour control.

2.2. Individual Green Consideration Model

The individual green consideration model measures consumer purchase intention following green consumerism. As green products (organic food) are associated with green consumerism with different factors influencing purchase decisions, the model fulfils the green purchase behaviour element. The study model construct was measured with personal attitude, perceived social pressure, perceived autonomy, and perceived trust. In this vein, the construct measured green product purchase intentions with the involvement of negative greenwashing forces (Latip et al., 2020).

2.3. Food Safety Knowledge

The prevalence of food safety issues has resulted in the demand for food safety supplies including organic food due to a lack of consumer trust (Wang et al., 2018). Food safety is one of the biggest consumer concerns among Asians (Latip et al., 2020) and significantly influences purchase decisions in countries prioritizing food safety and health (Prentice et al., 2019). Moreover, issues of food scandals, adulteration, and counterfeiting faced by some Asian countries led to a demand of better and safe foods, such as organic (Willer & Lernoud, 2019). Thus, the knowledge of food safety potentially influence consumer decision in the ‘new normal’ of COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, marketers need to emphasize labelling, logo, and packaging requirements to educate and persuade customers and increase consumers’ trust and confidence towards safe organic food (Prentice et al., 2019).

Product knowledge and information sharing were vital in encouraging consumers’ trust and confidence in the product. Information about organic food significantly influences consumer preferences and awareness about organic food (Adawiyah et al., 2021). Given the current health scenario, marketers should be more aware of the factors influencing consumers’ product purchase. A recent study reported that food safety knowledge affected consumers’ attitude and trust on organic food regarding safety, hygiene, and health during global health crises (Latip, et al., 2020). It is given that food safety knowledge potentially influences consumer perceived social pressure, and autonomy as the thought processes will support individual ways of thinking, perceived pressure and priorities in making a decision. This is supported by a previous study as increased awareness will generally contribute to organic food purchase intention (Wang et al., 2019). In the current COVID-19 pandemic, food safety knowledge potentially influenced consumers’ perception to maximize physical health and minimize the risk of diseases (Latip et al., 2020; Sajed & Amgain, 2020). Thus, the following hypotheses were proposed:

H1: Food safety knowledge positively affects consumer’s personal attitude.

H2: Food safety knowledge positively affects perceived consumer’s social pressure.

H3: Food safety knowledge positively affects perceived consumer’s autonomy.

2.4. Personal Attitude, Perceived Social Pressure, Perceived Autonomy and Purchase Intention

The TPB highlighted individual purchase intention measurements through attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control (Ajzen, 1985, 1991). Following the past studies on organic food by Latip et al. (2020), attitude, social pressure, and autonomy were proven to be valid in predicting consumer intention to purchase. Attitude reflects a person’s acts based on the belief and self-confidence in objects, persons, or issues that eventually affected feelings and deeds. Thus, individual attitudes or judgements would contribute to positive or negative behaviour (Ajzen, 1985, 1991; Yzer, 2017).

Based on the previous studies on organic food purchase intentions in developing countries, one of the important factors influencing consumers’ organic food purchase intentions was attitude (Wang et al., 2019). Similarly, a recent study on organic food during global health crises reported that consumers’ attitude significantly influenced purchase intention (Latip et al., 2020). Indeed, consumer positive belief potentially changes the attitude and has proven to be significant toward intention (Periyayya et al., 2016). Information received regarding organic food would also influence consumer preferences (Adawiyah et al., 2021). Thus, personal attitude needs to be observed in a ‘new normal’ context to view the conversion of individual perceptions into positive or negative deeds. This is also supported by previous studies as the attitude will influence consumer consumption values and purchase intention of the consumer toward the green product (Paço et al., 2019).

Perceived social pressure reflects an individual’s social influence that governed intentions, wherein social responsibilities would influence specific performance behaviours in mind (Ajzen, 1991). Based on previous study, a relationship between subjective norm and consumers’ organic food purchase intention was revealed (Wang et al., 2019). It is also supported by a previous study as family, friends, colleagues and other environmental factors, including social media, significantly influence organic food purchase intention (Nguyen & Truong, 2021). Additionally, perceived social pressure significantly affected consumers’ organic food purchase intentions during global health crises (Latip et al., 2020). The individuals’ social perceptions were higher in a collectivist country due to social conformity. Given the easy transmission of the COVID-19 virus, the communities have their own concerns due to health factors and pandemic (Latip, et al., 2020). Thus, organic food purchase intentions were potentially influenced by food safety and health.

Perceived autonomy reflects an individual’s ability to act based on the interest, value, and capacity to perform a specific behaviour. It was revealed that high autonomy in decision-making corresponded to high organic food purchase intentions (Latip et al., 2020). Furthermore, previous researchers found that perceived behaviour control positively influenced organic food intention and consumption (Auroomooga Putten & Nair, 2019; Maichum et al., 2017; Yzer, 2017). However, Zhu (2018) reported an insignificant relationship between perceived behavioural control and organic food purchase intentions. Thus, this study needed to investigate the perceived autonomy variables of the individuals’ characteristics as suggested by Qi and Ploeger (2019). Movement restrictions also affected the availability of organic food in the market. Other regulations including similar time operations potentially influenced the individuals’ perceived autonomy in a ‘new normal’ due to COVID-19. Thus, the following hypotheses were proposed:

H4: Personal attitude positively affects consumer’s purchase intention.

H5: Perceive social influence positively affects consumer’s purchase intention.

H6: Perceived autonomy affects consumer’s purchase intention.

2.5. Moderating Effect of Food Safety Trust

Trust relates to an individual’s confidence, expectations, and hopes on a specific product or element (Latip et al., 2020). In the organic food context, personal trust was crucial in enhancing the knowledge and confidence in green consumerism. It was also found that consumer trust would affect organic food purchase decisions (Sobhanifard, 2018). A study by Sultan et al. (2020), demonstrated that consumer trust positively and significantly enhanced purchase behaviour and bridged the gaps in organic food purchase intentions. Nevertheless, limited information on trust in organic food safety during the pandemic was identified.

Although previous studies highlighted the significant relationship between trust in organic food purchase intentions before COVID-19 (Giampietri et al., 2018; Zaidi et al., 2019), little was known on the ‘new normal’ following the outbreak. It was essential to discover whether trust moderated the relationship between individual green considerations towards organic food purchase intentions. In other words, the effect of trust on organic food safety towards the consumers’ decision-making process needed due consideration (Giampietri et al., 2018). Besides, the trust element proved more critical with the disclosure of food scandals and food safety issues (Latip et al., 2020). Additionally, consumer belief and expectation also consider as important element in strategic planning of business as it is potentially influence consumer attitude and purchase decision (Periyayya et al., 2016). Thus, the following hypothesis was proposed:

H7: Trust in organic food safety moderates the relationship between personal attitude, perceived social pressure, perceived autonomy, and purchase intention.

The framework of the study as can be seen in Figure 1.

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Figure 1: Research Framework

3. Methodology

This study employed non-contrived and cross-sectional methods through convenience sampling to achieve the study aims. Additionally, primary data (online surveys) were used for the study analysis. Given the large study population, physical distance issues, and MCOs following COVID-19, an online survey was the most feasible approach for data collection as stated by recent study (Latip et al., 2020). The target study population comprised of Malaysian residents aged 15 years old and above with no other demographic restrictions. The age of the study population was chosen as 15 years, as this was considered an early age for employment in Malaysia.

The minimum sample size required for this study was 240, as the study contained 24 survey items (Hair et al., 2010). A total of 330 valid responses were received following data cleaning, thus achieving a minimum study sample size. The study was mainly analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), PROCESS (Hayes, 2013), and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). Data cleaning was conducted to ensure a reliable finding. Data normality was also confirmed after removing the outliers. The survey item measurements were adapted from previous studies based on in-depth analyses and critical reviews. Relatively-tested comprehensive studies were used to ensure instrument validity and reliability.

3.1. Demographic Profile of Respondents

The female respondents at 67.3% outnumbered the male respondents at 32.7%. Besides, 58.5% of the respondents were between 21 and 30 years old, whereas 21.8% were between 31 and 40 years old. Generally, most of the respondents had a good academic background with 45.5% as bachelor degree holders. Meanwhile, 30.0% of the respondents were master’s degree holders. In terms of income, 33.6% of the respondents earned below MYR1000 per month, followed by 17.3% who earned between MYR2001 and MYR3000 per month, and 14.2% of the respondents earned MYR5000 and above per month.

3.2. Model Fitness, Reliability and Validity Analysis

To ensure a reliable and valid finding, model measurements and fitness analyses were conducted. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of the study demonstrated a good overall model fit as seen in Figure 1. The CFA reported a Chi-square/Degree of Freedom (CMIN/ DF) of 2.212, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) of 0.957, Tucker–Lewis Index (TLI) of 0.950, and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) of .061. All the indicators achieved a minimum and good model fit that corresponded to the data (Awang et al., 2018). As seen in Figure 1, the factor loading of all the 24 study items scored 0.60 and above, thus indicating a good loading factor. Meanwhile, the Composite Reliability (CR) of all the constructs scored 0.60 and above, hence demonstrating good internal consistency and reliability as reported in Table 1.

Table 1: Reliability and Validity Analysis

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Note: ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.010 *p < 0.050; FSK: food safety knowledge; PA: personal attitude; PSP: perceived social pressure; PA: perceived autonomy; FST: food safety trust; and PI: purchase intention.

The Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of all the constructs scored more than 0.50. Thus, it is signifying a convergent construct validity. Moreover, the discriminant validity presented in Table 1 showed the value of the diagonal square root of AVE and the correlation value for each construct. As demonstrated, the diagonal square root value was higher than the underlying correlation value. Thus, the discriminant validity was achieved and the study instruments were validated (Awang et al., 2018; Fornell & Larcker, 1981).

4. Research Results

4.1. Direct Relationship Hypothesis Testing

The SEM was employed to test the direct study relationship (refer to Table 2). Based on the summarised result in Table 2, food safety knowledge was found to be statistically significant towards personal attitude (β = 0.233; CR = 3.833; p = 0.001). When food safety knowledge increased by one standard deviation, the individual personal attitude towards organic food increased by 0.233 and supported H1. Meanwhile, when food safety knowledge increased by one standard deviation, perceived social pressure increased by 0.278 (β = 0.278; CR = 4.605; p = 0.001) and supported H2. Food safety knowledge was also reported to be statistically significant towards the individuals’ perceived autonomy and supported H3. When food safety knowledge increased by one standard deviation, perceived autonomy increased by 0.478 (β = 0.478; CR = 6.686; p = 0.001).

Table 2: Direct Hypothesis Testing

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Note: ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.010 *p < 0.050; FSK: food safety knowledge; PA: personal attitude; PSP: perceived social pressure; PA: perceived autonomy; FST: food safety trust; and PI: purchase intention.

Personal attitude was found to be statistically significant towards organic food purchase intentions in a ‘new normal’ context (β = 0.424; CR = 9.449; p = 0.001). When personal attitude increased by one standard deviation, organic food purchase intentions increased by 0.424 and supported H4. Similarly, H5 was statistically supported (β = 0.471; CR = 10.577; p = 0.001). When perceived social pressure increased by one standard deviation, organic food purchase intentions increased by 0.471 in a ‘new normal’ setting. Lastly, perceived autonomy was found to be statistically significant towards organic food purchase intentions in a ‘new normal’ life (β = 0.318; CR = 6.101; p = 0.001). When perceived autonomy increased by one standard deviation, organic food purchase intentions increased by 0.318 and supported H6 (see Figure 2).

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Figure 2: Confirmatory Factor Analysis

4.2. Moderating Hypothesis Testing

The PROCESS by Andrew F. Hayes was used to test the moderating effect of perceived trust on organic food purchase intention (Hayes, 2013). All the proposed moderation analyses could be conducted as the direct relationship of the dependent and independent variables were significant (see Table 2) following the moderating analysis summary in Table 3. Based on the analysis, only perceived autonomy was found to be moderated by the perceived trust of organic food safety towards organic food purchase intentions in a ‘new normal’ life with the p-value interaction effect of less than 0.05. The interaction plot involving the moderating effect of organic food safety trust on perceived autonomy and organic food purchase intention reported a slightly increased effect as seen in Figure 3. The analysis confirmed the moderating effect of the tested variable with the p-value of 0.008. Based on the moderating analysis, it was concluded that high trust in organic food safety corresponded to high purchase intention and perceived autonomy. In this regard, individuals’ trust in organic food safety increased purchase intention and perceived autonomy.

Table 3: Interaction Effect of Moderating Analysis

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Note: *Moderating effect exist as the p-value of interaction effect is less than 0.05.

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Figure 3: Interaction Plot of Moderating Analysis

5. Conclusion

The analysis confirmed the significant relationship between food safety knowledge towards personal attitude, perceived social pressure, and perceived autonomy. Food safety knowledge influenced individuals’ attitude towards organic food purchases in a ‘new normal’ setting. The finding was based on individuals’ cognitive influence that shaped the attitudes and perceptions involving organic food. In line with a previous study, food safety and health concerns could influence personal attitudes and intentions (Latip et al., 2020). Moreover, as COVID-19 was associated with health risks and infections, the effect of knowledge on food safety strengthened the personal attitude towards organic food.

The same reason theoretically demonstrated a significant relationship between food safety knowledge and perceived autonomy. The individuals’ realization of food safety importance influenced perceived autonomy in a ‘new normal’ life. Individual motives and perceptions could influence perceived autonomy and organic food purchase intentions (Wong & Aini, 2017). The influence was even more significant in a ‘new normal’ life due to food safety issues and health concerns (Latip et al., 2020). Moreover, individuals’ food safety knowledge theoretically influenced perceived social pressure from the environment, specifically in a collectivist country resembling Malaysia. Consumers were frequently affected by social behaviours and expectations in the community. As the COVID-19 pandemic required social and communal cooperation to reduce viral transmissions (Sajed & Amgain, 2020), social influence proved to be more decisive.

Personal attitude, perceived social pressure, and perceived autonomy were significantly related to organic food purchase intentions in a ‘new normal’ life. The personal attitude was theoretically significant towards organic food purchase intention in a ‘new normal’ life as attitude concerned individuals’ judgments and beliefs on the performed action (Yzer, 2017). Individuals’ beliefs in organic food reliability led to strong organic food purchase intentions in a ‘new normal’ life. A recent study affirmed the statement by reporting that consumers’ food safety and health concerns during COVID-19 positively shaped the beliefs and attitudes towards organic food purchase intentions. In a ‘new normal’ context with COVID-19 infection risks, individuals tended to believe in personal rather than social judgments and expanded the study findings.

Theoretically, the significance of perceived social pressure on organic food purchase intention was caused by social forces following the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the pre-COVID-19 period due to the social concerns on COVID-19 transmissions (Latip et al., 2020). Thus, every community member was expected to be self-responsible to minimize the COVID-19 infection rates. Social media information concerning COVID-19 in the local context potentially influenced individuals’ organic food purchase intentions as supported by Latip et al. (2020).

The significant relationship between perceived autonomy and organic food purchase intention might explain self-controlled behaviour in purchase decisions during COVID-19. Individuals’ perceived control, such as time, money, and product availability would influence organic food purchase intentions in a ‘new normal’. For example, the MCO declaration and other movement restrictions relatively affected individuals’ perceived control due to limited movement, time, and product availability during COVID-19. The significant relationship of perceived autonomy on organic food purchase intention was thus justified. Individuals who perceived that behaviour could be performed had higher performance intention (Ajzen, 1991; Latip et al., 2020; Yzer, 2017).

The moderating effect of trust in food safety was significant between perceived autonomy and organic food purchase intention in a ‘new normal’ life. In this regard, social concerns and perceived risks were on the rise. Thus, individuals’ trust in organic food safety strengthened the purchase intention with available resources. Given the current pandemic, the safety aspect seriously concerned consumers and explained the significant finding regarding the moderating effect of trust in organic food safety.

5.1. Study Limitation and Future Research

Several limitations were encountered in this study. First, the study only measured specific variables: food safety knowledge, personal attitude, perceived social pressure, perceived autonomy, and trust in organic food safety. Additionally, organic food purchase intentions in a ‘new normal’ life were influenced by the pandemic. Other potential factors influencing consumer purchase intention were not covered in this study. Given the prevailing effect of COVID-19 locally and worldwide, data collection was challenging due to the imposition of MCO by regulated bodies and consumers’ scepticism in face-to-face interaction. Future research could be conducted within a non-restricted timeline or post COVID-19 to understand the difference in consumers’ perception of organic food purchase intentions on food safety and trust. Future research could also better collect the data considering all regions of the involved country, such as the Borneo region, east coast region, northern region, southern region, and the center region of Malaysia, for better generalizability of finding.

The individual green consideration model could be better applied to understand the current market scenario from a consumer’s perspective. A construct involving communication and message framing could also be tested for a clear understanding of the external factors influencing emotions in consumer communication. The study can be conducted in other Asian countries with different contexts as the Asian organic food market is not well developed compared to other European countries. The study can also be conducted with regards to different levels of organic food market development, for insights from a well-developed organic food market. However, the availability of the organic food products in the market of a specific country should be considered as most of the organic food only widely available in developed cities or state. By performing numerous studies on consumer motives and the perceptions of organic food purchase decisions, marketers and industry players could plan sustainable marketing strategies for better development in the organic food market within the ‘new normal’ and COVID-19 contexts.

5.2. Implication and Recommendation

The study findings may benefit and provide crucial information to industry stakeholders to plan and operationalize the supply chain process of the products in the ‘new normal’ market. The findings are critical in the Asian and Malaysian context, wherein the organic food market is still at the initial stage. The study is also a vital contribution to the lack of green consumerism studies in Asia. Thus, consumers’ perception is vital to understand and address the development and sustenance of the organic food market, particularly during the COVID-19 health crisis.

The findings differ from previous studies in terms of the existing health crisis among consumers. For example, a ‘new normal’ life altered consumers’ perceptions and cognitive evaluations before making specific purchase decisions due to health and safety concerns (Latip et al., 2020). Due to the limited studies on ‘new normal’ life required by marketers and producers to modify business practices following the current demands, the study findings highlight the current market condition. The COVID-19 pandemic has minimized consumer movement and accessibility towards a specific product. For example, the supply chain of organic food was similarly affected due to the constraints in movement, raw material supplies, and product processing.

Regardless, the outcome is not reflected within a short period. Strategic modifications are required for sustenance and a long-term supply of organic food in the market despite the current predicament. Practical options to enable organic food purchases despite MCO and short supplies are necessary to ensure a competitive advantage and organic food development. Alternatives involving door-to-door delivery and the production of dry and frozen organic food with extended shelf periods can be considered. Moreover, information-sharing and dissemination on food safety as a critical point in organic food promotion can encourage consumer purchase. Besides, consumers’ perceptions, beliefs, and preferences towards organic food should be considered and assessed frequently, given the long-term social and economic implications of COVID-19 to the industry. It will also be helpful to understand, factors motivating consumers in sustainable behaviour practices, as they are among the challenges faced by organic food producers when they need to market their product. Additionally, the consumers, largely in Malaysia and other Asian countries, are not aware of the benefits of consuming organic food and is less exposed to this option, which makes it difficult for the producers and marketers to market the product. Lastly, as purchase intention is an important indicator of behaviour, it is important to better understand consumer intention for future strategic marketing planning and to develop the organic food market accordingly.


1This research is supported by Universiti Teknologi MARA, and Universiti Tun Abdul Razak Postgraduate Development Program. It is also, to some extent, supported by volunteer respondents.


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