A Study on the Solvent Fraction for Extraction of Bioactive Substances in Sea Cucumber

해삼의 생리활성물질 추출 용매분획에 따른 연구

  • Kim, Yong Shin (Department of Medical Beauty Care Jungwon University)
  • 김용신 (중원대학교 의료뷰티케어학과)
  • Received : 2021.02.08
  • Accepted : 2021.02.26
  • Published : 2021.02.28


In this study, a study was attempted to confirm the yield of the solvent fraction for extracting physiologically active substances of polyphenols and flavonoids in sea cucumber. In the previously reported cases, the 50% ethanol extraction solvent fraction was confirmed as a result of high yield of sea cucumber antioxidants. The determination of the amount of antioxidants extracted from sea cucumber was confirmed as a result of the extraction solvent fraction applied to the extraction. In addition, the necessity of extraction of the solvent fraction was obtained through a previous study that 'there is a significant difference in the content of sea cucumber physiologically active antioxidants extracted depending on the extraction solvent.' The results of extracting high antioxidants from the phenolic substances contained in the sea cucumber extract of the 50% ethanol extraction solvent fraction were demonstrated. In the study case of extraction solvent fraction, the ethyl acetate solvent fraction, which yielded the lowest, yielded a higher phenol content than other solvent fractions, and the antioxidant effect was confirmed. Accordingly, it was confirmed that the effect on the high yield of the antioxidant extract through the yield change according to the application of the extraction solvent fraction was performed. Therefore, it was verified as an optimized sea cucumber physiologically active substance extraction solvent fraction of 50% ethanol solvent.

본 연구에서는 해삼속의 폴리페놀과 플라보노이드의 생리활성물질을 추출하기 위한 용매분획의 수율을 확인하고자 연구를 시도하였다. 이미 보고된 사례에서 50%에탄올 추출 용매분획은 해삼 항산화 물질의 높은 수율 결과로 확인되었다. 해삼의 항산화물질 추출량을 결정짓는 것은 추출에 적용된 추출 용매분획의 결과로 확인되었다. 또한 '추출용매에 따라 해삼생리활성 항산화물질 추출함량이 크게 차이가 있다.'는 선행연구를 통해 용매분획추출에 관한 필요성의 결과를 얻었다. 50%에탄올 추출 용매분획의 해삼추출물에 포함된 페놀물질의 높은 항산화성분 추출 결과가 증명되었다. 추출용매분획 연구사례에서 수율이 가장 저조한 아세트산에틸 용매분획은 다른 용매분획에 비해 높은 페놀함량을 수확하여 항산화효과가 확인되었다. 이에, 추출 용매분획물의 적용에 따른 수율변화를 통해 항산화추출물의 높은 수율에 미치는 영향을 확인 하였다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 50%에탄올 용매의 최적화된 해삼생리활성물질 추출 용매분획으로 검증되었다.



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