Developing Vignettes on Scientists' Research Cases and Exploring Their Effectiveness

과학자의 연구 사례에 관한 비네트 개발 및 효과 탐색

  • Received : 2021.01.21
  • Accepted : 2021.02.05
  • Published : 2021.02.28


The purpose of this study is to develop scientist vignettes and to explore their effects to change students' perceptions of scientists, scientific attitudes, and the nature of science. The scientist vignettes developed in this study include research cases on seven scientists, including British zoologist Jane Goodall. Each vignette consists of 4 to 6 pages in consideration of the reading level of elementary school students, and contains illustrations describing the main contents of the text. In addition, scientist vignettes contain descriptions on terms and text boxes explaining the higher concepts, and each vignette contains questions that students can think deeply based on the story of the scientist. To verify the educational effectiveness of scientist vignettes, we investigated changes in their perceptions of scientists, scientific attitudes, and the nature of science in 564 elementary school students. We conducted group interviews with four elementary school teachers. As a result of conducting pre-test and post-test using a narrative questionnaire consisting of 6 questions, students became more sophisticated in the understanding of the science and the characteristics of scientists after experiencing scientist vignettes and their understanding the nature of science changed into a more modern epistemological perspective. Also, in a group interview with teachers, teachers assessed that scientist vignettes would positively affect the understanding of science process skills and the nature of science, and forming a scientific attitude, especially in increasing understanding of the nature of science. We discussed ways to effectively utilize scientist vignettes in elementary school science education based on these result.



이 연구는 2020학년도 서울교육대학교 교내 연구비에 의하여 연구되었음.


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