Freedom of contract in the digital age and its implementation in modern technologies: theory and practice

  • Received : 2021.12.05
  • Published : 2021.12.30


Scientific and technical development, as well as the emergence of new types of contracts, which do not have their expression in current legislation, force us to explore the issues of contract law to adapt to change. In this context, the principle of freedom of contract is fundamental, which states that each person has the right to enter into a contractual relationship at his discretion. However, such freedom is not absolute, because the freedom of one person should not violate the freedom of another. Together with the conflict of private and public interests, these phenomena are a field for the study of topical issues of theory and application of the principle of freedom of contract in practice. Research methods are philosophical, general scientific, and special scientific methods, in particular, system-structural, formal-legal, hermeneutic; methods of analysis, synthesis, etc. As a result of the research, the main characteristics of the principle of freedom of contract, its role for private law regulation of contract law are given; approaches to understanding the restriction of contract freedom are analyzed; typical examples and means of such restrictions are identified; demonstrated how contract freedom is embodied in the use of IT tools, which types of contracts are most common in the digital environment.



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