A Study on the Buildings of 2nd Construction of Silla Bunhwangsa temple in the mid-8th century

8세기 중반 신라 분황사 중건가람 건축 연구

  • 김숙경 (국립경주문화재연구소 학예연구실)
  • Received : 2021.10.28
  • Accepted : 2021.12.28
  • Published : 2021.12.31


This study tries to shed light on character and architectural features of the 2nd construction of Bunhwangsa temple in the mid-8th century. The site of Bunhwangsa Temple is divided into upper and lower areas based on retaining walls running from northwest to southeast, and the main area of the temple centered on Geumdang(the main hall) is located in the upper area. Space composition of the lower area including Wonji(a garden pond) and Gangdang(a lecture hall), is noteworthy in that Bunhwangsa Temple was constructed in a deviating way from rigorous constructional disciplines and used their space efficiently. The Geumdang in the 2nd construction was the largest worship hall with 7×6 bays. The hall was designed to divide its space into two ; the core space was surrounded by outer space. Each gap between columns in the hall was narrowed from center to outer. The main construction of the Geumdang was built as a stable structure with lead-to corridors. This was a much-advanced style than Geumdang at Hwangnyongsa Temple. The Gangdang is presumed to be a large building site as a typical Gangdang style in the Silla era. It was built in the late 9th century and was located in the northern part of the retaining walls. The composition of the middle gate and southern corridors were in double and long corridor style and they were located in front of the 2nd construction. This style coincided in the form of the architectural style of the Hwangnongsa Temple. The 2nd construction of the Bunhwangsa Temple was smaller than the Hwangnongsa Temple. However, it was a prestigious architecture.



이 논문은 국립경주문화재연구소 경주 월성 종합학술연구과제(NRICH-1805-B04F)로부터 지원받았음.


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