A Case Study on the Online Classes for Engineering·Humanities Convergence subjects

공학·인문 융합 교과의 온라인수업 사례

  • Lee, Chaelee (Center for Creative Convergence Education, Hanyang University)
  • 이채리 (한양대학교 창의융합교육원)
  • Received : 2021.10.05
  • Accepted : 2021.10.27
  • Published : 2021.11.30


This paper is a study on the case of online classes in engineering·humanities convergence subjects, and the purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of effective online convergence classes by describing in detail how to design and operate online classes, and analyzing the effects and limitations of online classes. Such study will serve as a model for online classes needed in the new normal era, which is facing a turning point in education.



이 논문은 한양대학교 교내연구지원사업으로 연구되었음 (HY-2018년도)


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