병원간호사의 극복력과 긍정심리자본이 전문직 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

Effect of Resilience and Positive psychological Capital on the Professional Quality of Life in Hospital Nurses

  • 고영혜 (목포대학교 바이오의약헬스케어연구소) ;
  • 이미현 (대전보건대학교 간호학과)
  • Go, Younghye (Biomedical and Healthcare Research Institute, Mopko National University) ;
  • Lee, Mihyun (Department of Nursing, Daejeon Health Institute of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2021.10.12
  • 심사 : 2021.12.20
  • 발행 : 2021.12.28


본 연구의 목적은 병원간호사의 극복력과 긍정심리자본이 전문직 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위함이다. 2021년 6월 1일에서 30일까지 221명의 종합병원 간호사를 대상으로 세 하위영역(공감만족, 소진, 이차 외상성 스트레스)으로 구성된 전문직 삶의 질과 극복력, 긍정심리자본 도구를 사용하여 자료수집을 실시하였다. 본 연구결과 극복력이 높을수록, 긍정심리자본이 높을수록 공감만족에서는 높은 점수를, 소진과 이차 외상성 스트레스는 낮은 점수를 보였다. 공감만족의 주요 영향요인은 극복력과 긍정심리자본으로 나타났으며, 공감만족을 47% 설명하였다. 소진의 주요 영향요인은 극복력, 긍정심리자본, 근무형태로, 소진을 36% 설명하였다. 특히 극복력은 공감만족을 높이고, 긍정심리자본은 소진을 낮추거나 예방할 수 있는 주요요인이므로, 병원간호사의 내적자원 강화를 위한 극복력 증진 프로그램 및 긍정심리중재 프로그램의 개발과 효과검증을 제언한다.

This study aimed to identify the effect of resilience and positive psychological capital on hospital nurses' professional quality of life. A cross-sectional survey design was utilized to investigate 221 general hospital nurses from June 1 to 30, 2021. Professional quality of life (ProQOL), which is conceptualized with three sub-dimensions (compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress), resilience, and positive psychological capital variables were measured. There was a positive relationship between compassion satisfaction and resilience, positive psychological capital, and a negative relationship among burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and the other variables in this study. The main factors influencing compassion satisfaction were resilience, and positive psychological capital, which explained about 47% of compassion satisfaction. Burnout was influenced by resilience, positive psychological capital, and work pattern, and these variables explained about 37% of burnout. Notably, it was found that resilience was the most crucial factor in nurses' compassion satisfaction, and positive psychological capital was the most crucial factor in nurses' burnout. Thus, it is suggested to develop and verify the effectiveness of a resilience improvement program and positive psychological intervention program to strengthen the internal resources of hospital nurses.



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