본 연구는 한국연구재단 연구과제(2020R1F1A1048443) 지원으로 수행하였습니다.
- J. Kirsch, Z. Zhechev, B. Bierbaumer, and T. Kittel, "PwIN - Pwning Intel piN: Why DBI is Unsuitable for Security pplications," In: J. Lopez, J. Zhou, and M. Soriano (eds), Computer Security. ESORICS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.11098. Springer, Cham., 2018.
- D. C. D'Elia, E. Coppa, S. Nicchi, F. Palmaro, and L. Cavallaro, "SoK: Using dynamic binary instrumentation for security (And how you may get caught red Handed)," Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, pp.15-27, 2019.
- Y. B. Lee, J. H. Suk, and D. H. Lee, "Bypassing Anti-Analysis of Commercial Protector Methods Using DBI Tools," IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.7655-7673, 2021.
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- Chi-Keung Luk, et al., "Pin: building customized program analysis tools with dynamic instrumentation," In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Vol.40, No.6, pp.190-200, 2015.
- P. Chen C. Huygens L. Desmet, and W. Joosen, "Advanced or not? A comparative study of the use of anti-debugging and anti-vm techniques in generic and targeted malware," IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, pp.323-336, 2016.
- R. R. Branco, G. N. Barbosa, and P. D. Neto, "Scientific but Not Academical Overview of Malware Anti-Debugging, Anti-Disassembly and Anti-VM Technologies," black hat USA, 2012.
- C. Bang, J. H. Suk, and S. Lee, "VMProtect Operation Principle Analysis and Automatic Deobfuscation Implementation," Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology, Vol.30, No.4, pp.605-616, Aug. 2020.
- J. Lee, B. Lee, and S. Cho, "A Study on the Analysis Method to API Wrapping that Difficult to Normalize in the Latest Version of Themida," Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology, Vol.29, No.6, pp.1375-1382, Dec. 2019.
- Y. Kang, M. Park, and D. Lee. "Implementation of the Automated De-Obfuscation Tool to Restore Working Executable." Journals of the Korea Institute of Information Security And Cryptology, Vol.27, No.4, pp.785-802, 2017.
- J. Park Y. Jang S. Hong, and Y. Park, "Automatic detection and bypassing of anti-debugging techniques for microsoft windows environments," Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol.19, No.2 pp.23-29, 2019.
- Peter Ferrie: The "Ultimate" Anti-Debugging Reference, 2011.