미생물 분석에 의한 채소류 비가열 조리공정의 위생관리 기준 유효성 평가

Validation of Sanitation Management Standards for Vegetable Preparation with No-Cook Step Based on Microbiological Analysis

  • 김원경 (영남대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 류경 (영남대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Kim, Won-Kyeong (Dept. of Food & Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Ryu, Kyung (Dept. of Food & Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, Yeungnam University)
  • 투고 : 2021.01.05
  • 심사 : 2021.01.27
  • 발행 : 2021.02.02


This study evaluated the sanitation management standards for vegetable preparation processes without a cooking stage. The aerobic plate counts (APC), coliform counts, and Escherichia coli of the samples at each production step were analyzed, and microbial growth of the samples stored at different temperatures was measured. The validation was judged in accordance with the microbial criteria stipulated by the British PHLS. After washing and disinfection, the APCs of the two samples decreased to 3~4 log CFU/g in both seasons. Compared to the purchasing stage, the decrease in coliform counts was approximately 0~3 log CFU/g in both seasons; E. coli was not detected. The initial APC and coliform levels of two vegetable samples were 4~5 log CFU/g in both seasons, with an increase of 1 log CFU/g taking more than 6 h at 25℃ and 2 h at 35℃. More than 10 h at 25℃ and 6 h at 35℃ were required to increase the E. coli O157:H7 count by 1~2 log CFU/g for two seasoned samples. In conclusion, washing and disinfection effects and changes in microbial growth during room temperature storage were similar in the two vegetables. Despite the low sanitizing effect of the two vegetables, when cut vegetables were stored under the critical limit within 2 h at two different room temperatures, seasoned lettuce and chicory were at the 'satisfactory' or 'acceptable' levels of PHLS regardless of the storage temperatures. The validation of sanitation management standards applied to vegetable preparation with the no-cook step was approved.



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