Phase Control Optimization at Waveguide Crossover and Its Application to 45° Optical Hybrid for Demodulating 8DPSK Optical Signals

  • Jeong, Seok-Hwan (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, The University of Suwon)
  • Received : 2021.08.31
  • Accepted : 2021.10.07
  • Published : 2021.12.25


A novel optical hybrid device that doubles the multilevel demodulation resolution by adding the optical interferometer with a waveguide crossover is proposed, theoretically analyzed and experimentally verified. We report two types of all-passive phase control schemes that will be referred to as a phase compensation scheme and a phase optimization scheme. We also apply the proposed phase control schemes to a 45° optical hybrid consisting of two parallel 90° optical hybrids together with the proposed phase control scheme for demodulating 8-level differential phase shift keying optical signals. Octagonal phase response with low wavelength sensitive excess loss of <0.8 dB over 31-nm-wide spectral range will be demonstrated in the InP-based material platform.



This work was supported by the University of Suwon, 2019.


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