Future Smart City Vision and Tasks: Responding to Urban Issues

미래 스마트시티 비전과 과제: 도시문제 대응을 중심으로

  • Published : 2020.12.01


The smart city agenda aims to solve various problems arising in cities and promote the welfare and happiness of citizens by utilizing the new technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Smart city policies have been promoted at the national level, but until now, policy implementations have not been effective enough to fundamentally affect citizens. To realize a more realistic and practical smart city, it is necessary to examine the problems occurring in the city in depth and set the direction and tasks of the smart city accordingly. Therefore, this study specifies the issues and problems faced in 12 sectors, including manufacturing, logistics, medical care, and safety. Next, by referring to the existing literature, a future smart city integration model is proposed that can respond to these problems. That is, future smart cities should create detailed services with enhanced efficiency, sustainability, strong risk management, safety, and satisfaction as the main goals. This study is meaningful in that it suggests a vision and tasks of smart cities that can solve problems in various sectors in a form that can be felt by the citizens.



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