ETRI AI Strategy #6: Developing and Utilizing of AI Technology for Industries and Public Sector

ETRI AI 실행전략 6: 산업·공공 AI 활용기술 연구개발 및 적용

  • Published : 2020.12.01


As the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology spreads to various industrial sectors, diversity in AI utilization rapidly increases, creating rich user experience. In addition, AI is required to solve various social problems through the use of public data. The spread of AI utilization across all sectors will continue, covering such industrial and public demands. This article examines the domestic and international trends in AI utilization technologies and establishes the direction of research and development (R&D), which is highly consistent with Korea's AI policy. ETRI, which leads AI's national R&D, has used its experience to establish AI R&D implementation strategies as well as technology roadmaps for the utilization of AI to improve individual quality of life, continuous growth in society, industrial innovation, and the solutions to public societal problems. In addition, it has derived tasks and implementation strategies for developing AI utilization technologies in 10 major areas including medical services.



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