A Study on the Effect of e-Lifestyle on the Use Factors and Satisfaction of Self-Service Kiosk

비대면셀프서비스 이용자의 e-라이프스타일이 키오스크 사용요인과 만족요인에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • Eun Mi Lee (International College, Dongseo University)
  • 이은미 (동서대학교 International College)
  • Received : 2020.03.27
  • Accepted : 2020.04.25
  • Published : 2020.04.30


This study was to identify the effects of four types of e-Lifestyle(life-friendly lifestyle, development-oriented lifestyle, sociality-oriented lifestyle, information-oriented lifestyle) on sustainable behavior (usage and satisfaction) of Kiosk service. The study was based on convenience sampling of 222 consumers, who have at least three months experience of kiosk system use. Results showed that all of the four types of e-Lifestyle had not significant effect on ease of use. However, development-oriented lifestyle and sociality-oriented lifestyle had a positive effects on usefulness of Kiosk service. Results also indicated that e-Lifestyle had significant and positive effects on customer satisfaction and recommendation. In particular, life-friendly lifestyle had an effect on customer satisfaction, and sociality-oriented lifestyle and information-oriented lifestyle had statistically significant effects on recommendation. Since e-lifestyle could potentially influence sustainable behavior for using Kiosk, this study investigated the distribution of usage and consumer satisfaction for every lifestyle type, so as to understand the attitudinal and behavioral evaluation as sustainable behavior in the use of kiosk services. These findings allow researchers and marketers to identify the needs and expectations of specific types of kiosk users.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and Ministry of Education(NRF-2016S1A5A8019315).


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