Effectiveness and Tolerance of a Locust Bean Gum-Thickened Formula: A Real-Life Study

  • Received : 2020.01.24
  • Accepted : 2020.06.16
  • Published : 2020.11.15


Purpose: Thickened infant formulas reduce regurgitation frequency and volume. Because the digestive tolerance of locust bean gum-containing formulas is controversial, the effectiveness and tolerance of a locust bean gum-thickened formula in infants presenting with regurgitation was evaluated. No other interventions were allowed during the 1 month follow-up period. Methods: We conducted an open, prospective, observational study of a locust bean gum-thickened formula administered to infants presenting with moderate to severe regurgitation according to parents during 1 month. Effectiveness and tolerance were assessed by evaluating gastrointestinal symptoms and quality of life indicators. Results: A total of 2,604 infants with an average age of 9.3±4.3 weeks were included in this 1 month trial. Regurgitation frequency and estimated volume decreased significantly (p<0.001) and the episodes were resolved completely in 48% of the infants. A significant decrease in duration of crying and episodes of gas (p<0.001), with improvement in quality of life parameters, was observed. Stool frequency increased and stool consistency softened (p<0.001) to levels within the physiologic range, consistent with the increased fiber load (0.42 g/100 mL). Conclusion: Locust bean gum-thickened formula decreased infant regurgitation, was well tolerated, and improved parental quality of life. Stool composition and frequency of the infants remained within the physiologic range.



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