형태적 특징 및 다좌위 염기서열 분석에 의한 산철쭉 모무늬병균 Sphaerulina azaleae 동정

Identification of Sphaerulina azaleae on Korean Azalea in Korea Based on Morphological Characteristics and Multilocus Sequence Typing

  • 최인영 (전북대학교 농생물학과) ;
  • 최영준 (군산대학교 생물학과) ;
  • 이귀재 (전북대학교 환경생명자원대학) ;
  • 주호종 (전북대학교 농생물학과) ;
  • 조성완 (건양대학교 제약생명학과) ;
  • 신현동 (고려대학교 환경생태공학부)
  • Choi, In-Young (Department of Agricultural Biology, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Choi, Young-Joon (Department of Biology, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Lee, Kui-Jae (Division of Biotechnology, College of Environmental and Bioresource Sciences, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Ju, Ho-Jong (Department of Agricultural Biology, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Cho, Seong-Wan (Department of Pharmaceutics & Biotechnology, Konyang University) ;
  • Shin, Hyeon-Dong (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University)
  • 투고 : 2020.08.25
  • 심사 : 2020.09.21
  • 발행 : 2020.09.30


2008년부터 2017년도에 제주, 홍천 등에서 산철쭉에서 모무늬 증상을 나타내는 잎을 채집하였다. 산철쭉모무늬 증상은 빈번하게 잎에만 발생하여 식물의 관상가치를 떨어트리고 조기낙엽을 유발하였다. 변색부는 잎의 윗면에 작고 담갈색 내지 흑자색 점무늬가 먼저 나타나며, 잎의 세맥으로 경계가 구분되어 모무늬 또는 부정형의 증상을 나타냈다. 산철쭉에서 분리한 균주를 동정하고자 형태적 특징과 actin (Act), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (EF), internal transcribed spacer (ITS), 28S nrDNA (LSU), RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) 염기서열을 분석하였다. 형태적 특징을 재확인한 염기서열 분석결과 Sp. azaleae와 99~100%의 상동성을 나타냈으며, 계통수를 작성하였을 때도 Sp. azaleae 계통군에 속하였다. 따라서 산철쭉에 모무늬 증상에 관여하는 곰팡이는 Sp. azaleae로 동정되었다.

From 2008 to 2017, Korean azalea (Rhododendron yedoense f. poukhanense) showing angular, necrotic leaf spots were found in Jeju and Hongcheon, Korea. The lesions occurred frequently, detracting from the beauty of the glossy green leaves of the plant and causing premature defoliation. Therefore, to identify the fungus associated with the lesions, morphological characterization and molecular phylogenetic analysis of actin (Act), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (EF), internal transcribed spacer (ITS), 28S nrDNA (LSU), and RNA polymerase II encoding the second largest subunit (RPB2) of the two representative isolates were performed. The phylogenetic tree inferred from the neighbor-joining method showed the isolates clustering in the Sphaerulina azaleae group. Therefore, the fungus associated with the angular leaf spots on the Korean azalea was identified as Sphaerulina azaleae.



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