Profiling Patterns of Volatile Organic Compounds in Intact, Senescent, and Litter Red Pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) Needles in Winter

  • CHOI, Won-Sil (National Instrumentation Center for Environmental Management, Seoul National University) ;
  • YANG, Seung-Ok (National Instrumentation Center for Environmental Management, Seoul National University) ;
  • LEE, Ji-Hyun (National Instrumentation Center for Environmental Management, Seoul National University) ;
  • CHOI, Eun-Ji (National Instrumentation Center for Environmental Management, Seoul National University) ;
  • KIM, Yun-Hee (National Instrumentation Center for Environmental Management, Seoul National University) ;
  • YANG, Jiyoon (Division of Wood Chemistry, Department of Forest Products, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • PARK, Mi-Jin (Division of Wood Chemistry, Department of Forest Products, National Institute of Forest Science)
  • 투고 : 2020.04.07
  • 심사 : 2020.06.29
  • 발행 : 2020.09.25


This study was aimed to investigate the changes of chemical composition of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from red pine needles in the process of needle abscission or senescence. The VOCs in intact, senescent, and litter red pine needle samples were analyzed by headspace-solid phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS). And then, multivariate statistical interpretation of the processed data sets was conducted to investigate similarities and dissimilarities of the needle samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) were used to investigate the dataset structure and discrimination between samples, respectively. From the data preview, the levels of major components of VOCs from needles were not significantly different between needle samples. By PCA investigation, the data reduction according to classification based on the chlorophyll a / chlorophyll b (Ca/Cb) ratio were found to be ideal for differentiating intact, senescent, and litter needles. The following OPLS-DA taking Ca/Cb ratio as y-variables showed that needle samples were well grouped on score plot and had the significant discriminant compounds, respectively. Several compounds had significantly correlated with Ca/Cb ratio in a bivariate correlation analysis. Notably, the litter needles had a higher content of oxidized compounds than the intact needles. In summary, we found that chemical compositions of VOCs between intact, senescent, and litter needles are different each other and several compounds reflect characteristic of needle.



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