Can Traditional Industry Firms Be Born Global? Case Study with a Focus on Chinese and Korean Firms

  • Kang, Qingsong (College of Business Administration, Huaqiao University) ;
  • Yoon, Ki-Chang (Department of Business Administration, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Park, Joshua (SolBridge International School of Business, Woosong University)
  • 투고 : 2020.07.14
  • 심사 : 2020.10.07
  • 발행 : 2020.10.31


Purpose - This study investigates whether the internationalization process of traditional industry firms can be categorized as born global, early internationalization, or gradual internationalization, and examines what factors promote internationalization in traditional industries using a case study of two firms, one each in China and Korea. Design/methodology - This study elects to use case study methodology to determine the "how" and "why" of internationalization process of traditional industry firms. Taking into consideration that factors that impact the internationalization process of firms are diverse and unclear in terms of causality, this study utilizes exploratory case study methodology. This research performs a comparative two-case study of two firms in traditional industries, one each in China and Korea, to examine similarities and differences of study subjects in order to improve the validity and suitability of research results. Findings - The findings of this research are as follows: First, traditional industries are more likely go through early and rapid internationalization rather than being born global; born globals are far more likely to appear in high tech industries. Second, the internationalization process of companies that go through early and rapid internationalization differs from what is indicated by traditional internationalization theories, and are not limited by factors like psychological distance and lack of experiential knowledge. Third, international entrepreneurship, international market orientation, and imitation and learning are important internal driving factors for early and rapid internationalization. Fourth, conditions within the domestic market, policy support from the government, and pilot effect from industry leaders are external driving factors for early and rapid internationalization. Originality/value - This study shows that the internationalization process of traditional industry firms is more likely to be early and rapid internationalization rather than being born global and suggests answers to why this may be the case. In addition, through an examination of case studies, it reveals that the internationalization process of traditional industry firms that undergo early and rapid internationalization is different from traditional internationalization theory, in that they are not limited by the lack of psychological proximity and empirical knowledge, and are driven by international entrepreneurship, international market orientation, imitation and learning, competitive pressure within the domestic market, government's policy support, and the pilot effect of industry leaders. Therefore, this study contributes to literature by expanding the scope of application of born global theory to traditional industries, making born global theory more generalizable and identifying driving factors to internationalization of traditional industry firms.



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