Investigation of Evaluation Method for Bus Occupant Safety

버스의 승객안전도 평가방법 연구

  • 신재호 (경일대학교 기계자동차학부)
  • Received : 2020.10.06
  • Accepted : 2020.11.28
  • Published : 2020.12.31


In a previous study, an investigation of occupant behaviors and injuries (to the head and chest) was performed during vehicle impact loading cases in order to ensure the safety of wheelchair passengers on a bus. The computational results showed overall safety tolerances of wheelchair occupants under different accident configurations. The bus crashworthiness is described as the capability of a bus to protect occupants during rollover loadings. The residual space containing occupants should be undamaged without any intrusions. However it is necessary to evaluate the residual space according to the bus occupant kinematic analysis under the rollover crash simulation. This study focuses on the evaluation of occupant behaviors during rollover loading cases in order to ensure the safety of bus passengers sitting in general seats and wheelchairs and evaluates the residual space of the bus by analyzing the bus occupant kinematics.



본 연구는 "휠체어 사용자가 탑승 가능한 고속/시외버스 개조차량 표준모델 및 운영기술 개발(휠체어 탑승고속/시외버스 안전성 검증 연구), 과제번호 18TLRP 129286-02"의 결과로써 국토교통부와 국토교통과학기술진흥원의 지원 하에 수행되었으며, 이에 관계자 여러분께 감사드립니다.


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