공과대학 학생을 위한 과학기술관련 사회·윤리 쟁점기반 수업이 인성과 가치관에 미치는 효과 탐색

Effects of an SSI-based Program for Engineering College Students on Character and Values

  • 이현옥 (서울대학교 교육종합연구원)
  • Lee, Hyunok (Center for Educational Research, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2020.03.16
  • 심사 : 2020.05.16
  • 발행 : 2020.05.31


This study explores the effects of an SSI-based program focused on character and values for engineering college students. The participants were fifty-four students enrolled in the program. Data sources include the students' responses to the Likert-type questionnaire on character and values as well as qualitative data such as classroom dialogues, assignment essays and field notes. The results indicate that the program significantly contributed to the enhancement of the engineering college students' perception of character and values, especially in the sub-components, sustainable development, perspective-taking, and willingness to act. In addition, the qualitative data reveals the nuances of the students' responses in the classroom dialogue and essays related to the sub-components. Based on the results, the author compares the participants' responses to other students in previous research which reported the effects of an SSI-based program on character and values. Compared to the other students, the engineering students in this study cultivated willingness to act through the SSI-based program, without improvement in most of the emotional aspects of character and values.



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