A Study on the 'Harmonizing All Medicinals' Property of Gancao

감초(甘草)의 조화제약(調和諸藥) 효능에 대한 고찰

  • Received : 2020.01.30
  • Accepted : 2020.02.05
  • Published : 2020.02.25


Objectives : To examine the meaning of 'harmonizing all medicinals(調和諸藥)' of Gancao's property to grasp its essence which would further lead to better understanding of formula composition where Gancao is both included and excluded. Methods : Contents on Gancao from previous texts were analyzed and integrated with basic descriptions on qi and flavor, shape and colour, origin, name, etc., to form a single Xiang(象) or image. Further discussion was developed from this point in a way to better understand the harmonizing property of Gancao. Results & Conclusions : Gancao's 'harmonizing all medicinals' property is achieved through its 'mitigate urgency' function. The meaning of 'harmonizing all medicinals' could be understood in terms of both mitigating the whole formula and mitigating each medicinal ingredient. First, Gancao's function of mitigating the whole formula is to mediate conflict that occurs from difference in property among each ingredient where each medicinal's property remains intact to perform its effects soundly. Second, to mitigate each medicinal ingredient is to balance the effects of severly biased medicinals to obtain desired effects. Both approaches are same in essence in that they mitigate urgency to achieve the original goal. Gancao's 'harmonizing all medicinals' is to arbitrate others, which sets Gancao apart from other ingredients to function at a more basal level.



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