수학화 과정에서 교사와 학생 간의 상호작용 양상과 교사의 담론 구조

Interaction patterns between teachers-students and teacher's discourse structures in mathematization processes

  • 투고 : 2019.12.23
  • 심사 : 2020.01.22
  • 발행 : 2020.02.29


본 연구의 목적은 수학화 과정에서 교사와 학생 간의 상호작용 양상에 따른 교사의 담론 구조를 분석하는 것이다. 이러한 목적 달성을 위해 학생들의 참여를 촉진하는 교수법을 20년 이상 실행한 경력 교사의 한 학기 수업 44차시 중에서 수학화 과정에서 교사와 학생 간의 서로 다른 상호작용 양상을 보이는 대표적인 경우 각각 1차시 수업을 비교분석하였다(근거 이론). 분석 결과, 학생들의 참여 양상을 고려한 교사의 담론 구조는 수학화 과정 경험에 도움을 준 것으로 볼 수 있었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 향후 학생들과의 상호작용 양상에 따라 수학화 과정을 경험할 수 있도록 도움을 주기 위한 교사의 역할을 구체화함으로써 수학화를 위한 교실 담론 개발에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the teacher's discourse structure of teachers according to the interaction pattern between teacher and student in the process of mathematization. To achieve this goal, we observed a semester class (44 lessons) of an experienced teacher who had practiced teaching methods for promoting student engagement for more than 20 years. Among them, one lesson case would be match the teacher's intention and the student's response and the other one lesson case would be to mismatch between the teacher's intention and the student's response was analyzed. In other words, in the process of mathematization based on students' engagement, the intention of the teacher and the reaction of the student was determined according to the cases where students did not make an error and when they made an error. A methodology used to develop a theory based on data collected through classroom observations(grounded theory). Because the purpose of the study is to identify the teacher's discourse structure to help students' mathematization, observe the teacher's discourse and collect data based on student engagement. Based on the teacher's discourse, conceptualize it as a discourse structure for students to mathematization. As a result, teacher's discourse structure had contributed to the intention of the teacher and the reaction of the student in the process of mathematization. Based on these results, we can help the development of classroom discourse for mathematization by specifying the role of the teacher to help students experience the mathematization process in the future.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 수학교육에서 진보주의와 구성주의 적용에 대한 성찰 vol.60, pp.3, 2021,