생태하천으로 조성된 반석천의 물새류 출현특성

Appearance Characteristic of Waterbirds in Banseok Ecological Stream

  • 박승기 (공주대학교 지역건설공학과) ;
  • 나상수 (한국토지주택공사 대전충남지역본부) ;
  • 박대순 (한국토지주택공사 인천사업부) ;
  • 한재봉 (공주대학교 대학원)
  • Park, Seungki (Department of Regional Construction Engineering, Kongju National University) ;
  • Na, Sangsoo (Daejeon Chungnam Regional Division, Korea Land & Housing Corporation) ;
  • Park, Daesoon (Incheon Project Department, Korea Land & Housing Corporation) ;
  • Han, Jaebong (Graduate school of Kongju National University)
  • 투고 : 2020.01.06
  • 심사 : 2020.02.26
  • 발행 : 2020.02.28


This study was conducted as a basic research to create a sound and vital ecological environment in the city compared to the appearance characteristics of Gap stream(G-stream), which are the main stream of Banseok stream(B-stream), by analyzing the characteristics of waterbirds, including Wild Spot-billed Duck (S-Duck), that live in B-stream built as ecological stream. The waterbird survey was conducted by the line census for 3.2km, Jukdong-bridge to Jamiseon-bridge, from January to August 2018. The analysis of the survey was conducted with Relative species density(RD) of the emerging waterbird species, the Species diversity and Density Per Unit area for 100㎡(DPU). The waterbird survey results of B-stream was conducted 65 times. The five types of water birds that appeared during the survey were Spot-billed Duck(Anas poecilorhyncha), Teal(Anas crecca), Little Egret(Egretta garzetta), Great Egret(Egretta alba), and Grey Heron(Ardea cinerea). As a result, for S-Duck at B-stream, RD was 89.9%, monthly species diversity was simple as 0.3801 in January, 0.5943 in February and 0.3501 in August. The DPU of the S-Duck was 0.165/100㎡ in the B-Stream survey section which was 4.9 times higher than the main stream section, G-stream. The non-freezing zone of the city's small stream is expected to play an important role as a winter stop for wild birds such as S-Duck during the freezing period of the huge stream. For this reason, considering the ecological characteristics of wild waterbirds such as S-Duck when creating ecological stream, a: space and linear selection of waterways which can minimize the impact of natural enemy and increasing the number of walkers, b: management water-friendly plants in the low flow channel, c: arrangement walking-bicycle road will be necessary.



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