디지털헬스케어 시장과 O2O서비스 소비자분쟁 및 보호방안

A Study on the Consumer Disputes and Protection Measures of the Digital Healthcare Market and O2O Service

  • 투고 : 2020.10.31
  • 심사 : 2020.11.30
  • 발행 : 2020.12.01


The O2O services in the healthcare sector have only been in full swing for about three years, and unlike existing O2O consumer goods, the scale and scope of the dispute are more complicated due to restrictions on medical treatment. In this study, O2O service platform operators and medical institutions' roles and responsibilities were redefined as a countermeasure for resolving disputes in healthcare O2O services and the laws for changing the transaction environment. A change in institutional mechanisms was proposed. This study looked at the types of consumer disputes related to healthcare O2O services as insufficient information problems, problems in the course of medical service implementation, problems with immunity provisions for platform operators, cancellations, and non-compliance with refunds. All the information generated during transactions in the healthcare sector was extensive in scale and included the most sensitive information among personal information, stressing the importance of ensuring security. The area that started in the O2O range before the medical institution visit also proposed a plan to establish a system for the delivery of proven information as a pre-medical person. The scale and growth will grow faster, given that consumers can experience the information they want anytime, anywhere they want. However, the platform broker's role, a link player, will become more important because consumers who use the service will have their first meeting with non-face-to-face product providers. On the other hand, service providers may have side effects of misleading consumers by providing false information or misleading consumers through exaggerated advertisements. The O2O service market is expected to expand beyond distribution and dining out to the entire industry. However, since it is challenging to check accurate statistics on the detailed market, various disputes and consumer protection measures will be required for each detailed market, and comprehensive leading solutions will be essential in the future.



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