WTO체제 분쟁해결제도의 문제점과 시사점 -상소기구를 중심으로-

The Problems and Implications of the Dispute Settlement System in the WTO Regime With a Particular Reference to the Appellate Body -

  • 홍성규 (한국교통대학교 국제통상전공)
  • Hong, Sung-Kyu (Major in International Business & Commerce, Korea National University of Transportation)
  • 투고 : 2020.09.28
  • 심사 : 2020.11.30
  • 발행 : 2020.12.01


The WTO's dispute settlement system has played a significant role in settling trade disputes between countries, and its function and role have been expanded by handling about 596 disputes since its establishment in 1995. This shows that the WTO's dispute settlement system is gaining enormous trust among member countries that it recognizes as a fair, effective, and efficient system for resolving trade disputes. The U.S. remains uncooperative in the WTO dispute settlement system, citing disregard for the 90-day deadline for appeals, continued service by persons who are no longer A.B. members, issuing advisory opinions on issues not necessary to resolve a dispute, A.B. review of facts, and review of a member's domestic law de novo. The A.B. claims its reports are entitled to be treated as a precedent. These problems should be gradually improved through various discussions and agreements by establishing a multilateral forum for resolving disputes and gradually ending the problems through reform of the DSU.



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