지능정보사회의 사이버 역기능 분류와 사회적 인식 분석

A Study on the Classification of Cyber Dysfunction and the Social Cognition Analysis in the Intelligent Information Society

  • 투고 : 2020.02.04
  • 심사 : 2020.02.22
  • 발행 : 2020.02.28


The Internet cyber space has become more important as it enters the intelligent information society of the 4th Industrial Revolution beyond the information age through the development of ICT, the expansion of personalized services through mobile and SNS, the development of IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence. The Internet has formed a new paradigm in human civilization, but it has focused only on the efficiency of its functions. Therefore, various side effects such as information divide, cyber terrorism, cyber violence, hacking, and personal information leakage are emerging. In this situation, facing the intelligent information society can lead to an uncontrollable chaos. Therefore, this study classifies the cyber dysfunction of intelligent information society and analyzes social cognition, suggests cyber dysfunction standard of intelligent information society, and examines the seriousness of dysfunction, and suggests technical research directions for future technologies and services. The dysfunctional classification of the intelligent information society was classified into five areas of cyber crime and terrorism, infringement of rights, intelligent information usage culture, intelligent information reliability, and social problems by FGI methodology. Based on the classification, the social perception of current and future cyber dysfunction severity was surveyed and it showed female is more sensitive than male about the dysfunction. A GAP analysis confirmed social awareness that the future society would be more serious about AI and cyber crime



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