백제 유물 진묘수(石獸)를 활용한 스토리텔링 문화상품 제안

A proposal for storytelling cultural products using Baekje Relic Jinmyosu (Guarding animals in tombs)

  • 라선정 (공주대학교 의류상품학과)
  • Ra, Sun-Jung (Dept. of Fashion Design and Merchandising, Kongju National University)
  • 투고 : 2020.10.28
  • 심사 : 2020.12.06
  • 발행 : 2020.12.31


Storytelling, a medium that arouses the customers' purchasing need by playing on their emotions, is the best content that can be used as it can increase the value of goods using information. This paper's significance is that it suggests cultural products that can be used by using Baeke relic Jinmyosu (Guard Animals) as a motif. The purpose was to present the possibility of high value-added cultural products using storytelling techniques. This study developed storytelling by adding the meaning of Jinmyo and Beoksa, who calm protected their masters from evil forces with horns and wings, and has the meaning of ascending into heaven and guiding the soul on the right path. That image gives a glimpse of originality and differentiation to Baekje. This study proposed 4 cultural products as 'Keeper Stone Mason' and 4 'Stone Mason Teller.' The proposed cultural products can help to give correct awareness of Baekje culture through a correct understanding of the historical significance of the Baeke relic, Jinmyosu. Moreover, it will help promote the originality and excellence of Baekje culture around the world by enhancing the value of Baekje culture. This study is expected to be used as a guideline for further research on developing cultural products that can create added value in various fields.



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