Reproduction of Flood Inundation in Marine City, Busan During the Typhoon Chaba Invasion Using ADCSWAN and FLOW-3D Models

ADCSWAN과 FLOW-3D 모델을 이용한 태풍 차바 내습 시 부산 마린시티의 침수범람 재현

  • Received : 2020.11.27
  • Accepted : 2020.12.28
  • Published : 2020.12.31


In recent years, large-scale development of coastal areas has caused the loss of many lives and extensive property damage in coastal areas, due to wave overtopping caused by high-wave invasion and strong typhoons. However, coastal inundation studies considering the characteristics of domestic coastal areas are insufficient. This study is a methodology study that aimed to reproduce inundation of surge and wave complex elements by applying the ADCSWAN (ADCIRC+SWAN) and FLOW-3D models. In this study, the boundary data (sea level, wave) of the FLOW-3D model was extracted using the ADCSWAN (ADCIRC+SWAN) model and applied as the input value of the FLOW-3D model and a reproduction was created of the Flooding due to surge and overtopping in Busan Marine City when the typhoon Chaba passed. In addition, the existing overtopping empirical equation and the overtopping calculated by the FLOW-3D model were compared, and for coastal inundation, a qualitative verification was performed using the Inundation Trace Map of Land and Geospatial Informatrix Corporation, and the effectiveness of this study was reviewed.

최근 연안지역의 대규모 개발로 인해 고파랑 내습과 강한 태풍으로 발생된 월파는 연안지역의 많은 인명 및 재산피해를 발생시켰으나 연안지역의 특성을 고려한 침수·범람 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 본 연구는 ADCSWAN(ADCIRC+SWAN) 모델과 FLOW-3D 모델을 적용하여 해일 및 파랑의 복합요소에 대한 침수범람을 재현하기 위한 방법론에 대한 연구이다. 본 연구에서는 ADCSWAN(ADCIRC+SWAN) 모델을 이용하여 FLOW-3D 모델의 경계자료(해수위, 파랑)를 추출하고, FLOW-3D 모델 입력값으로 적용하여 태풍 차바 통과시 부산 마린시티를 대상으로 해일과 월파에 의한 침수범람을 재현하였다. 또한 기존 월파량 경험식과 FLOW-3D 모델로 계산된 월파량을 비교하였으며, 침수범람은 한국국토정보공사의 침수흔적도를 활용하여 정성적인 검증을 수행하여, 본 연구의 유효성을 검토하였다.



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