일제강점기 수원화성의 관아건축 훼손과정에 관한 연구

A Study on the Process to Demolish Official Buildings in Suwon during Japanese Colonial Period

  • 투고 : 2020.05.13
  • 심사 : 2020.10.26
  • 발행 : 2020.12.31


This study examines the process to demolish official buildings of Joseon Dynasty in Suwon Hwaseong during Japanese colonial period. King Jeongjo built the new Suwon city and constructed the city fortress. Hwaseong Hawnggung and other official buildings were also built in Suwon Hwaseong. However Those buildings were demolished gradually and lost their identity during Japanese colonial period. The official buildings of Hwaseong Haenggung were classified into nine parts. 1) Central area of Hwaseong Haenggung 2)Nangnamheon(落南軒) 3)Uhwaguan(于華館) 4)Namgunyeong(南軍營) 5)Bukgunyeong(北軍營) 6)Gangmudang(講武堂) 7)Yiah(貳衙) 8)Jungyeong(中營) 9) Hoeryungjun(會寧殿). Bukgunyeong was the first demolished building in Suwon Hwaseong. Nangnamheon and Hwaryungjun were not destroyed during Japanese Colonial Period. from 1910s to 1930s most official buildings were demolished and new buildings were rebuilt.



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