A Study on the Effect of Customer Integration and Market Orientation on the Uncertainty and Flexibility of Supply Chain and Management

고객통합과 시장 지향성이 공급사슬 불확실성과 유연성 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2020.11.18
  • Accepted : 2020.12.22
  • Published : 2020.12.31


The purpose of this study was to analyze structural relationships with regard to the effect of customer integration, which is a type of integration in the supply chain, and market orientation of supply chain on the resulting change in the supply chain and management performance. The results of analysis in this study are as follows: First, customer integration and market orientation had a positive effect on reducing the flexibility and uncertainty of SCM. The decreased flexibility and uncertainty of SCM had a positive effect on non-financial performance, which also had a positive effect on financial performance. Second, customer integration and market orientation had a positive effect on financial and non-financial performance indirectly by decreasing the flexibility and uncertainty of SCM. Third, the effect of customer integration and uncertainty of SCM on the flexibility of SCM changed depending on the position in the supply chain; the effect was larger in the distribution group. The implications based on the analysis results are as follows: It is expected that the ability to deal with market changes in the overall supply chain is improved by laying the foundation for cooperation through establishing information infrastructure, including sharing information with trade partners and integrating systems, and implementing customer integration based on these achievements. It is also necessary to consider the business types and characteristics of individual companies in establishing information infrastructure.



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