Transfer Efficiency of Underwater Optical Wireless Power Transmission Depending on the Operating Wavelength

  • Kim, Sung-Man (Department of Electronic Engineering, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Kwon, Dongyoon (Department of Electronic Engineering, Kyungsung University)
  • Received : 2020.07.30
  • Accepted : 2020.10.16
  • Published : 2020.12.25


Optical wireless power transmission (OWPT) is a good candidate for long-distance underwater wireless power transmission. In this work we investigate the transmission efficiency of underwater OWPT, depending on the operating wavelength. We consider four operating wavelengths: infrared, red, green, and blue. We also consider the cases of pure water and sea water for the working conditions. Our results show that it is necessary to select the operating wavelength of underwater OWPT according to the transmission distance and water type of the target application.



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