Trends in Deep-neural-network-based Dialogue Systems

심층 신경망 기반 대화처리 기술 동향

  • Published : 2019.08.01


In this study, we introduce trends in neural-network-based deep learning research applied to dialogue systems. Recently, end-to-end trainable goal-oriented dialogue systems using long short-term memory, sequence-to-sequence models, among others, have been studied to overcome the difficulties of domain adaptation and error recognition and recovery in traditional pipeline goal-oriented dialogue systems. In addition, some research has been conducted on applying reinforcement learning to end-to-end trainable goal-oriented dialogue systems to learn dialogue strategies that do not appear in training corpora. Recent neural network models for end-to-end trainable chit-chat systems have been improved using dialogue context as well as personal and topic information to produce a more natural human conversation. Unlike previous studies that have applied different approaches to goal-oriented dialogue systems and chit-chat systems respectively, recent studies have attempted to apply end-to-end trainable approaches based on deep neural networks in common to them. Acquiring dialogue corpora for training is now necessary. Therefore, future research will focus on easily and cheaply acquiring dialogue corpora and training with small annotated dialogue corpora and/or large raw dialogues.



Grant : 준지도학습형 언어지능 원천기술 및 이에 기반한 외국인 지원용 한국어 튜터링 서비스 개발

Supported by : 정보통신기획평가원


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