Importance of ICT as a Future Technology Source and the Promotion of Competitiveness

ICT 미래원천기술의 중요성 및 경쟁력 확보방안

  • Published : 2019.04.01


Korea has pursued economic development based on ICT through R&D policy incorporating CDMA. However, the future society of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is expected to include a new type of industrial development that combines ICT with the non-ICT industry, making it impossible to secure national competitiveness without the source technology of the ICT industry. Therefore, in this thesis, we examine the ICT industry and ICT R&D policy from the point of view of the current ICT as a future source technology source of Korea, and identify strategies to determine ICT as a future technology source through a SWOT analysis.


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(그림 1) 우리나라 무역수지 中 ICT 수출입 비중

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(그림 2) 우리나라 ICT산업 고용현황

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(그림 3) 4차 산업혁명 핵심기술 전문가 조사 결과

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(그림 4) ICT 수출 비중

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(그림 5) ICT 수출 증가율 추이

<표 1> OECD의 기초연구 구분 방법

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<표 2> 영국 OST의 기초연구 구분 방법

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<표 3> 각국의 기초연구 구분 방법 비교

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<표 4> ICT 미래원천기술의 범위

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<표 5> SWOT분석 요약

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<표 6> SWOT분석 기반 전략 도출

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  1. 국립국어원, 우리말샘 사전,
  2. 한국정보통신기술협회, 정보통신용어사전,
  3. 정보통신기술진흥센터, "ICT 기술수준조사보고서," p.11, 2018.2.
  4. 정보통신기획평가원, "2017년도 ICT기술수준조사보고서," 2018.5.
  5. 과학기술정보통신부, 보도자료, 2019.2.15.