암묵적 태도검사(Implicit Association Test, IAT)를 이용한 남녀 중학생의 가정교과에 대한 성편향성 태도 연구

A Study of the Gender-Biased Attitudes of Korean Middle School Students toward Home Economics as a Subject: Implementing the Implicit Association Test

  • 투고 : 2019.08.05
  • 심사 : 2019.10.02
  • 발행 : 2019.11.30


The purpose of this study was to develop an Implicit Association Test to measure students' gender-biased attitude toward Home Economics, a required subject in middle-school and to examine the effects of gender, gender-biased attitude toward Home Economics, and gender egalitarianism on the perception of the subject. A total of 508 male and female middle-school students were surveyed using Qualtrics. The results revealed that the students had a gender-biased attitude of perceiving Home Economics as feminine as a whole, and this tendency was more evident among female than male students. To the contrary, their attitudes toward Home Economics as a subject was generally favorable when asked explicitly using self-administered questions. Among the high school elective classes, students preferred 'fashion' most, followed by 'dietary life', 'technology and home economics', and 'family life culture'. Female students, students with patriarchal attitude, and students who has gender-biased attitude toward Home Economics were more likely to perceive Home Economics as an alienated and less important subject. The generally positive explicit attitude toward Home Economics may be the results the social desirability effect due to the education. However, the home economists should develop a plan to overcome the gender-biased implicit attitude in order for the value of Home Economics as a subject to be fully addressed.



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