방후주문(方後注文)의 해석을 통한 『상한론(傷寒論)』 연구(硏究)

A Study on 『Shanghanlun』 through Interpretation of the Post-formula Instructions(方後注文)

  • 방정균 (상지대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Bang, Jung-Kyun (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Sangji University)
  • 투고 : 2019.10.21
  • 심사 : 2019.10.30
  • 발행 : 2019.11.25


Objectives : To broaden understanding of "Shanghanlun", this paper analyzes and interprets its Post-formula instructions(方後注文). Methods : From the contents of Post-formula instructions that follow formulas in "Shanghanlun", the effects, administration instructions, decocting methods are examined specifically. Based on annotators's interpretations, the author provides his understanding. Conclusions & Results : The treatment principle of sweat inducive formulas is 'to induce subtle sweating(微似汗)'. Meanwhile, in the case of Inner water and fluid retention(水飮內停), 'sweating(汗出)' is expressive of healing. Among the emetic formulas in the "Shanghanlun", the meaning of 'vomiting(得吐者)' in the descriptions of Zhizichitang(梔子豉湯), is that the stagnated heat in the chest area has been relieved, letting the Qi communicate upwards. In terms of formula administration, besides the usual 2~3 times a day method, there is '頓服法' for immediate effects; three times within six hours application method in cases where the exterior symptoms are extremely severe or the stagnation of exterior pathogen is severe; 6 times a day or continuous application day and night regardless of frequency. In terms of decocting methods, there is '再煎法' to have the formula's effects not be biased or too strong; the decocting method of Dahuanghuanglianxiexīntang where the formula is brewed momentarily in order to cool the immaterial pathogenic heat. Moreover, when there is disease in the chest, Dahuang is brewed first to soften its effects. When there is disease in the abdomen area, Dahuang is added later to quicken its effects. In the case of Guizhirenshentang, to maximize the effect of Guizhi, it was suggested that Guizhi is added later.



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