도시공원 내 기존 건축물 제도의 변천 과정 분석

An Analysis on the Change of Existing Building-related System in Urban Parks

  • 투고 : 2019.08.07
  • 심사 : 2019.10.13
  • 발행 : 2019.10.30


Existing buildings in urban parks are a kind of thing that has been settled and occupied on the site of an unexecuted park. The aim of this study is to identify nature by analyzing the causality and path-dependency through the transformation of the relevant system. The scope of the study was set up as a system for the occupancy of urban parks from 1934 when the building restriction system was established to 2000 when purchase claim (매수청구권) was introduced. The method of study was to get correlation by harmonizing the external and internal mechanisms affecting the relevant institution. The related system showed a modest change in the fourth stage, polymerizing the initial system. In the 1950s and 1960s, the existing buildings in urban parks were 'disguised' by government and the 'regulation' principle was applied since 1967. In the 1980s, the principle of 'protection' and 'support' for parks was added, but in the 1990s, the principle of regulation began to be lifted as the long-term unexecuted urban park (장기미집행 도시공원) problem continued for more than 60 years. Although the public concept of land ownership (토지공개념) has worked strongly for nearly 30 years since 1960, the system has developed into a form of deregulation since 1980. The nature of the relevant institution is first, dependent on the higher-level system and vertical. Second, it implies a conflict of restrictions and acceptance. Third, it is a temporary measure of the park problem. Therefore, the relevant system has long been enhancing the encroachment requirements on urban parks, so fundamental readjustment is needed in the future.



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