Dominant Synoptic Patterns Controlling PM10 Spatial Variabilities over the Korean Peninsula

  • Park, Hyo-Jin (Division of Science Education/Institute of Fusion Science, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Wie, Jieun (Division of Science Education/Institute of Fusion Science, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Moon, Byung-Kwon (Division of Science Education/Institute of Fusion Science, Jeonbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.10.22
  • 심사 : 2019.10.28
  • 발행 : 2019.10.31


This study examines the controlling role of synoptic disturbances on $PM_{10}$ spring variability in the Korean Peninsula by using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and back trajectory analyses. Three leading EOF modes are identified, and a lead-lag analysis suggests that $PM_{10}$ variabilities be closely related to the synoptic weather systems. The first EOF shows the spatially homogeneous distribution of $PM_{10}$, which is influenced by travelling anticyclonic disturbance with negative precipitation and descending motion. The second and third modes exhibit the dipole structures of $PM_{10}$, being associated with propagating cyclones. Furthermore, the back-trajectory analysis suggests that the transport of pollutants by anomalous winds associated with synoptic disturbances also contribute to the altered $PM_{10}$ concentration. Hence, a substantial synoptic control should be considered in order to fully understand the $PM_{10}$ spatiotemporal variability.



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