코딩 표준 검색 기법을 이용한 소프트웨어 보안 취약성 검출에 관한 연구

A Study on Software Security Vulnerability Detection Using Coding Standard Searching Technique

  • 투고 : 2019.07.09
  • 심사 : 2019.09.02
  • 발행 : 2019.10.31


정보 보안의 중요성은 응용 소프트웨어의 보안으로 인해 국가, 조직 및 개인 수준에서 점점 더 강조되고 있다. 임베디드 소프트웨어를 포함하는 높은 안전성 소프트웨어의 개발 기술은 항공 및 원자력 분야 등 에 국한되어 사용되었다. 하지만 이러한 소프트웨어 유형은 이제 응용 소프트웨어 보안을 향상시키는 데 사용된다. 특히 보안 코딩은 방어적 프로그래밍을 포괄하는 개념으로 소프트웨어 보안을 향상시킬 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 개선된 코딩 표준 검색 기법을 적용한 소프트웨어 보안 취약성 탐지 기술을 제안한다. 공개된 정적 분석 도구는 소프트웨어 보안 가능성을 분석하고 취약점을 유발하는 명령어를 분류하는 데 사용되었으며, 소프트웨어 취약점을 유발할 수 있는 API 및 버그 패턴을 쉽게 감지하여 향상시킬 수 있다.

The importance of information security has been increasingly emphasized at the national, organizational, and individual levels due to the widespread adoption of software applications. High-safety software, which includes embedded software, should run without errors, similar to software used in the airline and nuclear energy sectors. Software development techniques in the above sectors are now being used to improve software security in other fields. Secure coding, in particular, is a concept encompassing defensive programming and is capable of improving software security. In this paper, we propose a software security vulnerability detection method using an improved coding standard searching technique. Public static analysis tools were used to assess software security and to classify the commands that induce vulnerability. Software security can be enhanced by detecting Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and patterns that can induce vulnerability.



The quality of program code influences a variety of factors, including program security, repair, and maintenance. Most program errors stem from unexpected input values and the debugging of errors requires substantial personal and physical resources[1]. It is therefore essential to predict and trace the location of bugs that arise throughout the course of a program’s operation because debugging is necessary to minimize the damage when uncontrollable or unexpected errors occur[2].

Defensive programming is a coding standard aimed at defining a coding style and format applied during the development of a program. Security vulnerabilities identified while developing a program or designing a compiler should be resolved to make the code more concise and easier to read, as well as to reduce the possible occurrence of bugs. Such a defensive programming technique gives first priority to the protection of a program from inappropriate input values, so that errors are exposed as they occur in the course of program execution[3]. Defensive programming facilitates the modification of code that produces errors. Furthermore, it prevents other programs and the entire system from being damaged when errors occur in the code.

In this study, we improve the security of applications using an improved secure coding detection technique. In order to achieve this, we divide the process of software vulnerability analysis into a vulnerability monitoring stage and a vulnerability processing stage. The first stage is focused on extracting vulnerability-inducing functions while the second stage is focused on processing extracted function vulnerability. The process is followed by the improvement of vulnerability-inducing functions and vulnerability categories.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section Ⅱ reviews previously reported studies. Section Ⅲ details our security vulnerability processing model, Section Ⅳ presents the evaluation process, and Section Ⅴ discusses our rum-time measures. Section Ⅵ presents a comparison, and finally, Section Ⅶ presents our conclusions.

II. Literature review

A static analysis is commonly performed without actually executing the software. It examines applications on a non-runtime basis, which is advantageous in assessing applications and thereby detecting errors in the input and output of the software. Flawfinder tool generally provides a database of application programming interface (API) symbols related to the vulnerability. This database can be used to evaluate vulnerability detection through static code analysis. We use a similar approach to define the values ​​of the authorized function text.

Zampetti et al.[4] used a flow-sensitive and inter-procedural system for the discovery of software vulnerabilities through a bottom up analysis of procedures, basic blocks, and the whole program. Typical precision issues with static analysis, especially when dealing with dynamically constructed strings, mean that they may identify several such illegal flows, even if these paths are infeasible.

Nagy et al.[5] applied the Java String Analyzer to extract models of program’s database queries. They used these models as the basis for a runtime monitoring and protection for SQL injection attacks.

Jang and Choi[6] propose a technique to handle vulnerabilities by combining static and dynamic analysis techniques. The authors focus on the sanitization process and abstract away other detail of the application. Especially they created behavior information for extracted paths from the program control path.

III. System model

3.1 Analysis model

In this section, we detail our software security analysis model. The Two-Level Processing Model (TLPM) complies with a collection of guides and rules determined based on the requirements of the project and organization, as recommended by CERT/CC1) in accordance with secure coding standards. TLPM follows the general coding standard rules for software security analysis. In particular, through the use of secure coding standards, it is possible to classify coding errors, which are considered the main causes of software vulnerability. We use two analysis models, namely security vulnerability monitoring and security vulnerability analysis processing, to analyze software vulnerability, as seen in Fig.1. In the first stage of security vulnerability monitoring, coding vulnerability-inducing functions are discerned. In this stage, the meta-data for vulnerability-inducing functions is created to be processed in the second stage. In the second stage of security vulnerability analysis processing, coding vulnerability-inducing functions are distinguished from functions that do not induce vulnerability.

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Fig. 1. Two-Level Processing Model (TLPM) for software vulnerability analysis.

3.2 Model implementation

3.2.1 Coding standard example

The following is an example of the coding standards for a C/C++ and Java program with our method applied.

(1) Declaration and initialization:
typedef is used instead of define, and const is attached to a constant value for protection against possible modifications.

(2) Expression:
“()” is used in consideration of the order of priority for operators, and sizeof() needs to be used at the time of integer size assignment.

(3) Memory:
The memory is assigned and cleared in the same module at the same block level, and it needs to be initialized as Null after the free() pointer validation function is used. The cleared memory is not re-accessed. 

(4) Character and string:
strncpy() is used instead of strcpy(); strncat() instead of strcat(); fgets() instead of gets(); and snprintf() instead of sprintf(). The data to be copied is checked to determine whether it is Null or exceeds the buffer size.

We utilize a suffix array-based technique[7] to extract vulnerable functions as shown in Fig.2. Fig.3 shows an example of the internal database rulesets used for detecting vulnerabilities. Specifically, we use a phrase discovery algorithm[8] that employs a variant of suffix arrays extended with an auxiliary data structure. We remove single words that are comments and phrases beginning or ending with stop words. We inquire into words that are single words and phrases. Additionally, removing safe functions can reduce the calculation complexity. Brief operations of the TLPM and the working scheme for our model are presented in Fig.4. We define our model as follows:

TLPM(M, S, KW, λ)

where M is a set of secure coding standard,

  ∙S is a set of source programs,

  ∙KW refers to the extraction of vulnerability-inducing keywords,

  ∙λ(λ∈[0,1]) is used to obtain a tradeoff score between vulnerable and safe functions.

Set KW extracts the keywords for vulnerability-inducing functions, and λ distinguishes vulnerable and safe functions.

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Fig. 2. Example of security- vulnerable functions for C.

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Fig. 3. Example of internal database rulesets for C and Java.

3.2.2 Vulnerable function extraction

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Fig. 4. A brief scheme for TLPM.

TLPM provides a set SP of vulnerability function-ranked lists to perform vulnerability analysis as follows:

\(\lambda R\left(s_{i}, m\right)+(1-\lambda) P N s\left(s_{i}\right)\)       (1)

where R(si, m) is the relevance score for source program si to secure the coding standard m, and PNs(si) is the facet novelty score of source program si.

At the beginning of TLPM, no source program is selected (i.e., SP = Ø), and no vulnerability-inducing function is selected (i.e., KWc = Ø) either. TLPM selects the first source program s*, and then the set KWs* of keywords selected by s* is added to the vulnerability-inducing function set KWc. Afterward, the facet novelty score representing the vulnerability value of the vulnerability-inducing function is calculated, and the source program with the largest vulnerability score in Equation (2) is selected at the second position. Specifically, since the source programs cover many different types of vulnerability-inducing functions, we argue that there exists a set of keywords whose subsets can accurately represent different underlying facets. We can therefore select a source program subset to cover the keywords, so as to cover all the facets. This procedure is repeated until all vulnerable functions are identified. The vulnerability score indicates the riskiness of the vulnerable function and range from 0~1, with 0 indicating no vulnerability and 1 indicating high vulnerability.

In order to identify the facets of security-vulnerable functions, we define security-vulnerability facets based on the keyword coverage. Table 1 shows the summary of notations for the novelty of each facet. Suppose a set KW of q keywords is extracted from n vulnerability-inducing functions, different underlying facets will contain different keyword subsets:

\(F S\left(k w_{j}, k w_{w}\right)=\sum^{n}_{i=1}\left(F K\left(k w_{j}, s_{i}\right)-F K\left(k w_{w}, s_{i}\right)\right)\)       (2)

where i∈[1,n], j,w∈[1,q], and FK(kwj,si) represents the frequency of vulnerability-inducing functions for the keyword kwj appearing in the source program si:

\(F K\left(k w_{j}, s_{i}\right)=t\left(k w_{j}, s_{i}\right) / \sum_{w=1}^{q} t\left(k w_{w}, s_{i}\right)\)       (3)

where t(kwj,si) represents the number of times a keyword kwj appears in source program si. A larger facet score between two keywords indicates a higher degree of novelty.

Table 1. Summary of notations for facets.

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In the secure coding standard, the novelty of a command keyword is defined as the degree of dissimilarity between a command keyword and a vulnerability-inducing command keyword set KWc as below:

\(P N_{w}\left(k w_{j}\right)=F S^{\prime}\left(k w_{j} K W_{c}\right)\)       (4)

where w,j∈[1,q] and FS’‘(kwj,KWc) represent the keywords covered by the vulnerable command from a set KWc of q keywords. The novelty between keyword kwj and KWc  in a source program is defined as the distance between kwj and any keyword in KWc:

\(F S^{\prime}\left(k w_{j}, K W_{c}\right)=F S^{\prime}\left(k w_{j}, K W_{c} \backslash k w_{j}\right)\)       (5)

We select set S from the source program with the largest vulnerability score of relevance and importance for the secure coding standard. We extract the current state of vulnerability-inducing commands based on the riskiness score from m.

\(s^{*}=\arg \max _{s_{i}}\left(\lambda R\left(s_{i}, m\right)+(1-\lambda) P N_{s}\left(s_{i}\right)\right), \forall s_{i} \in S\)       (6)

where R(si, m) is the relevance score of source program si for the secure coding standard. We use the frequency to measure the representative power of a command keyword for a source program, since it is accepted that keywords with frequent occurrence in a source program have a strong relational power for that source program. Finally, the facet novelty score of source program si is given by:

\(P N_{s}\left(s_{i}\right)=\sum_{j=1}^{9} F K\left(k w_{j} s_{i}\right) \times P N_{w}\left(k w_{j}\right)\)       (7)

3.2.3 Security vulnerability analysis

To evaluate the vulnerability analysis performance, we used Command Keyword Retrieval[9]. Let stamethod(si) be the set of command keywords for which si is relevant. n is the total number of command keywords. Command Keyword Retrieval at rank r is defined as the percentage of command keywords covered by source programs:

\(V-c m d=\frac{\| \bigcup_{i=1}^{r} s t a m e t h o d\left(s_{i}\right) |}{n}\)       (8)

A larger V-cmd value indicates greater keyword coverage. When all keywords are covered, the value of V-cmd will equal 1. For any vulnerability level, we can find a minimal optimal rank so that the Command Keyword Retrieval value at that rank is equal to 1. When different command keywords have different threat levels, such as the vulnerability level, V-cmd measures can show which command keyword is the most vulnerable command keyword[10].

IV. Evaluation

4.1 Evaluation measures

We used public static analysis tools to measure vulnerabilities instead of relying on reported vulnerabilities. Unlike the process of manual code review or penetration testing, which produces reported vulnerabilities, static analysis is a repeatable and scalable technique for measuring vulnerabilities[11].

Flawfinder2) analyzes C/C++ source code to identify vulnerabilities using an internal database for the ruleset.

To determine the accuracy of the experiment, we used the Rough Auditing Tool for Security (RATS3)) program, a static analysis tool that identifies vulnerabilities in C/C++ source code.

FindBugs4) is another static analysis tool. FindBugs analyzes Java source code to determine the patterns of bugs (as well as program bugs) and suggests modifications while conducting vulnerability searches with regard to the compiled byte code.

We employed public static analysis tools to verify whether the software was developed without coding errors. In our system model, these tools are used to identify false positive errors and extract vulnerable functions and patterns from application programs.

4.2 Empirical test suites

To evaluate the TLPM verification results, we used the Juliet test suite[12] for C/C++ and Java software. The cases cover 181 different Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)5) entries. We employed the Juliet test suite to verify whether TLPM can successfully detect faults. The illegit suite includes over 50 different illegal cases like buffer overflows and memory leaks. These inputs contain data that can destroy the input validation process for a program. Table 2 summarizes the results of vulnerability detection using the Juliet test suite. “Buffer handling” and “input validation“ are the most common security issues in programs, hence the problems in this area are the most common test cases in C/C++ and java. The third column lists the program language. The fourth column lists the Line of Code (LOC). The Test Cases column shows the number of test cases included in each set. The ”TLPM Detection“ column shows the detection results obtained with the TLPM method. The final column shows the detection results obtained with the public static analysis tools (i.e., Flawfinder, RATS, FindBugs). Public static analysis tools can detect ”CWE-190 (integer overflow)“ and ”CWE-121 (stack based buffer overflow)“, but they do not detect ”incorrect buffer size calculations“ and ”validation of array index“.

Table 2. Results of the vulnerability evaluation using the Juliet test suite.

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4.3 Real-world test suites

We used real-world Customer Order Service (COS) programs. These programs are used in the real world. Taking into consideration program approachability, we used online applications written in C and Java. For batch programs, we chose programs written in C rather than Java because the programs need to transfer data to external systems. The numbers of programs used were:

(1) Online application C programs: 55    
(concurrent program users: 30 users),

(2)Batch handling C programs: 10 (number of handling: 50,000~80,000 cases per day), and

(3)Online application Java programs: 100 (concurrent program users: 30 users).

4.4 Evaluation result

In our model, the vulnerability of the programs was determined by evaluating vulnerability-inducing functions and the pattern of bugs. TLPM was applied to static analysis tools for vulnerability analysis.

4.4.1 Security vulnerability analysis for C rograms

Table 3 shows an example of the fixed size local buffer vulnerable functions of C/C++ programs extracted from security vulnerability analysis. The strcat() function achieved the best keyword retrieval, though there was no significant performance difference among the methods. The strcpy() function had the second best results with nearly similar performance.

Table 3.  Example of fixed size local buffer vulnerable function detection count from FlawfinderTLPM and RATS_TLPM in C/C++.

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Fig.5 shows the results of vulnerability-inducing function discernment for the programs evaluated. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves show that FlawfinderTLPM6) and RATS_TLPM7) reduced the number of false positives significantly. From the diagram, we see that FlawfinderTLPM and RATS_TLPM Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves have a very sharp rise from (0;0). Again, the detector using the TLPM method is more accurate over a wide range of false positive values. The vulnerability of C programs was classified into categories for race condition, deny all access, potential format string, fixed size local buffer, and vulnerable commands with variable input values to conduct vulnerability-related analyses. Fig.6 shows the detection rates for vulnerability-inducing categories. Among the results, the fixed size local buffer is ranked number one. If a fixed size local buffer (e.g., an array) is used in an unsafe manner, overflowing the buffer allows an attacker to overwrite the Return Instruction Pointer (RIP) with an arbitrary value[6]. Ranked at number two is the vulnerable command with variable input values. If a variable-length string value is copied into a buffer that is too small to hold it, the string is truncated abruptly to fit the buffer. No attempt is made to trailing-align or trim the value, although strings are null-terminated.

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Fig. 5. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves comparing the accuracy of vulnerability-inducing command detectors, one using the native detector and the other with TLPM.

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Fig. 6. Vulnerability-inducing category detection for C programs.

4.4.2 Security vulnerability analysis for Java programs

Table 4 shows an example of methods that can induce vulnerabilities in Java programs. The “Doddy” category has the highest keyword retrieval. The category of “Bad practice“ is second, with close performance for ”Security“.

Table 4. Example of vulnerable category detection count for FindBugsTLPM in Java.

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The vulnerability of Java programs was distinguished based on the pattern of bugs[13] using FindBugsTLPM8). Similar to the analysis of C programs, Fig.7 shows the patterns of bug discernment in the Java application programs analyzed. The ROC curves show that FindBugsTLPM significantly reduced the number of false positives. FindBugsTLPM detected program bugs and determined the pattern of bugs to provide guidelines for modification and to search for vulnerabilities in the compiled byte codes. The vulnerability patterns for Java programs were classified into categories for correctness (COR), bad practice (B.P), experimental (EXP), internationalization (INT), malicious code vulnerability (M.C.V), multithreaded correctness (M.C), performance (PER), security (SEC), and dodgy (DOD) to conduct vulnerability-related analyses.

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Fig. 7. ROC curves comparing the accuracy of vulnerability-inducing pattern detectors, one using the native detector and the other with the TLPM.

Fig.8 shows the results of vulnerability-inducing pattern detection according to the categories. For M.C. in particular, TLPM detectors had a lower detection rate than native detectors. This is because of incorrect initialization and update of the static field in the source code. When we modified the field to initialize the object, the other thread could not access the stored object until the thread was completely initialized.

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Fig. 8. Vulnerability-inducing category detection for Java programs.

V. Run-time measures

We examined the run-time of our proposed model. Fig.9 shows the average test performance of TLPM as the number of test examples is varied. We saw a substantial improvement in performance as the test set size increased. Fig.10 shows the actual run-time for the different processes executed in our implementation of TLPM in the source programs. We divided our implementation into three parts: preprocessing, vulnerability command extraction, and secure coding application. The preprocessing step had the longest run-time, 150 milliseconds on average; secure coding application had the second longest run-time, taking on average 105 milliseconds; vulnerability command extraction took 45 milliseconds. This means our implementation of TLPM takes took than 350 milliseconds to analyze vulnerabilities in the practical application source programs.

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Fig. 9. The average performance of TLPM.

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Fig. 10. Run-time for steps of TLPM implementation.

VI. Conclusion and future work

This paper proposes a novel TLPM that uses improved secure coding techniques to reduce the number of security vulnerabilities in software. This model, along with a secure coding standard, will be useful in enhancing software security.  In this paper, we only provide a simple implementation of our prototype. Therefore, there is substantial room to improve the identification of application vulnerabilities with TLPM using other vulnerable-function extraction models. Furthermore, we can also improve the time effectiveness and extraction accuracy for our implementation.


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