Properties of Lean Mixed Mortar with Various Replacement Ratio of Coal Gasification Slag

석탄가스화발전 용융슬래그의 치환율 변화에 따른 빈배합 모르타르의 특성 분석

  • Park, Kyung-Taek (Department of Architectural Engineering, Cheong ju University) ;
  • Han, Min-Cheol (Department of Architectural Engineering, Cheong ju University) ;
  • Hyun, Seung-Yong (Department of Architectural Engineering, Cheong ju University)
  • Received : 2019.04.08
  • Accepted : 2019.09.30
  • Published : 2019.10.20


This study reviewed the possibility of recycling into exhausted aggregate resources in Korea as a means of utilizing coal gasification slag(CGS) from integrated gasification combined cycle(IGCC) while being commissioned in order to introduce the new system to Korea. In other words, in order to solve the problem of insufficient aggregate resources, CGS generated by IGCC as a residual aggregate for concrete secondary products, which is an empty mortar, was considered to replace CGS in the range of 0 to 100 % for mixed residual aggregate mixed with crushed sand A(CSa) of good quality and sea sand(SS) of deep particles, which are the most commonly used in the domestic construction industry. According to the study, replacing CGS with CSa or crushed sand B(CSb)+SS by 25 % to 50 % resulted in good results in the aspect of the granularity of the aggregate and the workability and compressive strength of cement mortar, which were found to be usable.

본 연구는 국내에 새롭게 도입하고자 시운전중인 석탄가스화복합발전(IGCC)에서 발생하는 석탄가스화 용융슬래그(CGS)를 국내의 부족한 골재자원으로 재활용 가능성을 검토하였다. 즉, 부족한 골재자원확보를 위해 IGCC에서 발생하는 CGS를 빈배합 모르타르인 콘크리트 2차제품용 잔골재로 활용하고자 국내 건설산업에서 가장 많이 사용되고 있는 석산의 부순 잔골재로 양호한 품질의 CSa 및 굵은 입자로 표준입도를 벗어난 CSb와 해사인 SS를 혼합한 혼합잔골재에 CGS를 0~100 % 범위에서 치환하는 것을 검토하였다. 연구결과, CSa 혹은 CSb+SS에 CGS를 25~50% 정도 치환할 경우 골재의 입도측면 및 시멘트 모르타르의 유동성 및 압축강도 측면에서 양호한 결과가 얻어져 활용가능함을 확인할 수 있었다.



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