A Study on the Potential of Utilizing Sensible Media for Dance in 5G Network

  • 투고 : 2019.06.05
  • 심사 : 2019.07.03
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


A 5G is 20 times faster than 4G. It also has hyper-connectivity, low latency merit and boundless potentials for medical education, transportation, entertainment and so on. In accordance with this, it is time to quickly look over on the utilization plan for 5G and sensible media in dance field, deal with the issue and its utilization. First of all, this study will review potential of 5G and sensible media in dance and its development plan. It seems like dance is able to communicate in a three-dimensional way. Utilizing sensible media can contribute to inform people of dance, and increase fun and interest which will make three-dimensional mutual communication. Also, in 5G environment, one can select whatever one wants in his or her viewpoint when utilizing sensible media such as VR, AR, hologram and so on. Supposing in a case of dancers and judges, it is possible for them to hire their own style of dancers in their countries. So, both the dancer and the judges have the positive merits. Third, streaming is possible without any installation, buffering is reduced. At the same time high-definition of media is allowed. This allowed collaborated performance of celebrities in dance and it also increased concentration and engagement. Dance field should acknowledge 5G sensible media, look for systemic and detailed method and disseminate and spread professional training and performance. In dance, testing fast developing sensible media due to 5G network, produce systemic dance training environment with various try is required and an effort for the performance situations in which advanced 5G sensible media is used.



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