농촌 노후주택 정비를 위한 건물에너지 분석

Analysis of House Energy for Remodeling Rural House

  • 투고 : 2019.03.08
  • 심사 : 2019.08.20
  • 발행 : 2019.08.27


The increase in housing energy costs due to deteriorated rural house is directly related to the quality of life of rural residents, which is fundamental challenge for the government. In this study, we analyzed the current energy performance and the effect of housing energy efficiency improvement after remodeling of the four rural houses over 20 years old considering the rural housing type. As the result, the heating energy requirements of the unit surface is very high, and the effect was predicted to vary by housing after improved thermal insulation. This means that the cost of housing energy will be utilized as a target selection criterion or post-effect for the rural house remodeling project. In addition, the energy performance was analyze for the compact houses, which are in demand, mainly for young rural immigrants. As the result, the energy performance is very efficient.



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