A study on comparison of predictive factors on happiness among male and female aged living alone

남녀 독거노인의 행복감 예측요인 비교 연구

  • Received : 2019.05.15
  • Accepted : 2019.08.02
  • Published : 2019.08.31


The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that predict happiness among aged males and females who live alone, and we focused on their satisfaction with their socio-physical environment, their social network, regular participation in social activities, their subjective health status and if they suffer from depression. A total of 2,76 people were the subjects of this study, their average age was 65 years old, they lived alone and all of them were selected from the '2017 Community Health Survey' data. The data was analyzed utilizing the Chi-square test, the Mann-Whitney test and multivariate logistic regression analysis. The subjects were 605 males (21.86%) and 2,163 females (78.14%). For the result of this study, the significant predictive factors of happiness for aged males living alone were monthly income (OR=2.363, 95% CI=1.473-3.791), basic livelihood rights (OR=1.903, 95% CI=1.144-3.167), trusting their neighbors (OR=2.018, 95% CI=1.263-3.225), religious activities (OR=2.098, 95% CI=1.314-3.349), subjective health (OR=2.753, 95% CI=1.217-6.228), and depression (OR=0.852, 95% CI=0.803-0.905). The significant predictive factors of happiness for aged females living alone were income (OR=2.407 95% CI=1.362-4.253), basic livelihood rights (OR=1.350, 95% CI=1.019-1.788), contact with friends (OR=1.879, 95% CI=1.323-2.669), religious activities (OR=1.372, 95% CI=1.124-1.676), recreation/leisure activities (OR=1.608, 95% CI=1.161-2.228), subjective health (OR=5.327, 95% CI=1.347-21.070), and depression (OR=0.864, 95% CI=0.840-0.890). In conclusion, programs to enhance happiness should be developed with considering the characteristics affecting the happiness of aged Korean males and females who live alone.

이 연구의 목적은 남자 독거노인과 여자 독거노인을 대상으로 사회 물리적 환경 만족도, 사회적 연결망, 사회활동의 정기적 참여, 주관적 건강수준, 우울감을 중심으로 행복의 예측요인을 확인하는 것이다. 이 연구의 대상자는 '2017년 지역사회 건강조사' 자료로부터 총 2,768명을 최종 선정하였다. 이 연구의 자료분석은 Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney test, 다변량 로지스틱 회귀분석을 활용하였다. 대상자의 일반적 특성은 남자는 605명(21.86%), 여자는 2,163명(78.14%)이었다. 이 연구결과, 남자 독거노인의 유의한 행복 예측요인은 월평균 수입(OR=2.363, 95% CI=1.473-3.791), 기초생활수급권자 여부(OR=1.903, 95% CI=1.144-3.167), 이웃과의 신뢰(OR=2.018, 95% CI=1.263-3.225), 종교활동 참여(OR=2.098, 95% CI=1.314-3.349), 주관적 건강수준(OR=2.753, 95% CI=1.217-6.228), 우울감(OR=0.852, 95% CI=0.803-0.905)이었다. 여자 독거노인의 유의한 행복 예측요인은 월평균수입(OR=2.407 95% CI=1.362-4.253), 기초생활수급권자 여부(OR=1.350, 95% CI=1.019-1.788), 친구와의 접촉빈도(OR=1.879, 95% CI=1.323-2.669), 종교활동 참여(OR=1.372, 95% CI=1.124-1.676), 여가/레저 활동 참여(OR=1.608, 95% CI=1.161-2.228), 주관적 건강수준(OR=5.327, 95% CI=1.347-21.070), 우울감(OR=0.864, 95% CI=0.840-0.890)으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 남자 독거노인과 여자 독거노인의 행복에 영향을 미치는 특성을 고려하여 행복 증진 프로그램이 개발되어야 할 것이다.



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