Evaluation of Pictograms Related to Radiology on the Website of Hospitals

병원 웹사이트 방사선 관련 픽토그램 평가

  • Choi, Kyoungho (Department of Radiological Science, Jeonju University) ;
  • Cho, Jung Keun (Department of Radiological Science, Jeonju University)
  • 최경호 (전주대학교 의과학대학 방사선학과) ;
  • 조정근 (전주대학교 의과학대학 방사선학과)
  • Received : 2019.06.14
  • Accepted : 2019.08.08
  • Published : 2019.08.31


This study reviewed whether radiology-related pictograms listed on the website of hospitals deliver clearly, accurately and quickly the necessary information. TOPSIS was carried out to select the most fitting pictograms for the department of radiology, department of radiation oncology, and department of nuclear medicine. The finally selected pictogram for the department of radiology shows an image of the chest (lungs), while that for the department of radiation oncology shows the process of treatment using equipment. Using these pictograms as standards seem to be appropriate to a certain level. However, the pictogram for department of nuclear medicine has a symbol for a nucleus and is thus inappropriate to meet the standards for a hospital pictogram. This study is meaningful in that it has established evaluation methods and procedures relaetd to radiation pictograms.



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