Fig. 1. Design and development of temperature gradient apparatus. (a) Stepwise temperature gradient using bobbin-type apparatus. (b) Sinusoidal temperature gradient using spiral-type apparatus. (c) Random temperature gradient using disk-type apparatus.
Fig. 2. Measurement results of temperature distribution by the thermal camera. (a) Stepwise temperature gradient using bobbin-type apparatus. (b) Sinusoidal temperature gradient using spiral-type apparatus. (c) Random temperature gradient using disk-type apparatus.
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the SBS measurement step.
Fig. 4. Measurement result of the seed laser linewidth. (a) Schematic diagram of the self-heterodyne step. (b) Result of the seed laser linewidth.
Fig. 5. Characteristics of SBS suppression using temperature gradients at 155 W laser output power. (a) Measurement results of the back reflection optical spectrum by changing the temperature deviation of stepwise temperature gradients. (b) Measurement results of the back reflection optical power by temperature gradients.
Fig. 6. Characteristics of SBS suppression by changing the PRBS patterns at 217 W laser output power.
Fig. 7. Interaction of the PRBS pattern and temperature gradient for SBS suppression. (a) Changing the PRBS pattern without temperature gradient. (b) Changing the PRBS pattern with stepwise temperature gradient of 45℃.
Table 1. Back reflection power with and without temperature gradient for various conditions of PRBS pattern at 217 W laser power
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