Comparative Study of Powertrain Loss and Efficiency for the Electric Vehicle and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle

전기차와 내연기관차의 파워트레인 손실 및 효율 비교

  • Kim, Jeong-Min (School of Automotive & Mechanical Engineering, Andong National UNIV.)
  • 김정민 (안동대학교 기계자동차공학과)
  • Received : 2019.05.21
  • Accepted : 2019.06.02
  • Published : 2019.07.31


In this paper, the component loss models of the electric vehicle(EV) and the internal combustion engine vehicle(ICEV) are developed to analyze the losses and efficiencies of these two types of vehicles. The EV powertrain efficiency decreases as the vehicle velocity increases over most of the vehicle velocity range because the battery efficiency decreases. Especially, the EV powertrain efficiency decreases significantly when the battery SOC is low. But the ICEV powertrain efficiency increases as the vehicle velocity increases. This is because the efficiencies of both the transmission and engine increases.



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Cited by

  1. Energy Consumption of the Electric Vehicle and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle for Different Driving Cases vol.19, pp.5, 2020,