Comparative Study and Simulation of P&O Algorithm using Boost Converter for a Photovoltaic System

  • Received : 2019.03.05
  • Accepted : 2019.06.03
  • Published : 2019.07.31


The excessive need of power is creating an unbalance situation in power sector, where solar energy is one of the best solutions among other energy sources to mitigate this demand. It is globally accepted because of its flexibility and long life compared to others. A lot research is going on to enhance the energy efficiency by introducing photovoltaic (PV) power generation technology, but still irradiation of PV power is the major problem. In this manuscript, we have designed PV module using single diode methodology and also the solar conversion efficiency was boosted with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) by using perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm. The simulation was done for $1000W/m^2$ and $800W/m^2$ at solar irradiance in cell temperature of 25C and 40C degree levels in PSIM tool.


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Fig. 1(a) Structure of Photovoltaic cell

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Fig. 2 The diagram of boost converter

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Fig. 4 P&O algorithm implemented by analog blocks

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Fig. 5 flowchart of P&O algorithm

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Fig. 6 Block diagram of MPPT controller using boost converter

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Fig. 7 The typical I-V and P-V curve of solar cell with different irradiance

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Fig. 8 Full schematic of boost converter with MPPT control on PSIM

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Fig. 9 The irradiance levels during simulation with time[1000W/m2, 800W/m2].

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Fig. 10 PV array power of without P&O algorithm for different irradiance level at T=25C.

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Fig. 11 Output power of with P&O algorithm for different irradiance level at T=25C.

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Fig. 12 PV array power of without P&O algorithm for different irradiance level at T=40C.

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Fig. 13 Output power of with P&O algorithm for different irradiance level at T=40C.

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Fig, 1(b) Equivalent circuit of Solar cell.

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Fig. 3 The output waveforms of boost converter

Table 1. Specification of photovoltaic panel

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Table 2. Output parameters of PV array for temperature (T=25C) and different irradiance

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Table 3. Output parameters of PV array for temperature(T=40C) and different irradiance

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Table 4. Specification of boost converter

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Table 5. Comparing PV power and output power under cell temperature T=25C

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Table 6. Comparing PV power and output power under cell temperature T=40C

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