해상초계기 주요 수리부속 재고수준이 운용가용도에 미치는 영향 연구

The Impact of P-3 Essential Assemblies on Operational Availability

  • 박지훈 (국방대학교 국방과학학과) ;
  • 마정목 (국방대학교 국방과학학과)
  • Park, Jihoon (Department of Defense Science, National Defense University) ;
  • Ma, Jungmok (Department of Defense Science, National Defense University)
  • 투고 : 2019.03.11
  • 심사 : 2019.05.17
  • 발행 : 2019.06.05


This paper studies the optimal inventory levels of P-3 assemblies in order to assure the required operational availability. A simulation model is developed for identifying the impact of the inventory levels on operational availability. Based on the result of the simulation model, multiple regression analysis is performed. Finally, the optimal inventory levels of critical P-3 assemblies are determined with integer programming. Additionally, sensitivity analysis of depot maintenance period is also conducted for its impact on the operational availability.


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Fig. 1. Study process

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Fig. 2. Simulation model

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Fig. 3. Steady state analysis

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Fig. 4. Operational availability analysis for change of inventory level

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Fig. 5. Cost of optimal inventory levels for depot maintenance time change

Table 1. Relevant prior research

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Table 2. Maintenance part analysis

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Table 3. Analysis of engine and airframe maintenance

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Table 4. MTBF & MTBM of P-3 items

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Table 5. Allotments and distributions of scheduled maintenance

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Table 6. Allotments and distributions of unscheduled replacement maintenance

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Table 7. Distributions of field and depot maintenance

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Table 8. Results of simulation

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Table 9. The result of multiple regression analysis

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Table 10. The result of integer programming

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Table 11. Probability distributions of engine at decreased maintenance time

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Table 12. The result of multiple regression analysis according to decreased maintenance time

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